WX — scans through the seven preprogrammed weather channels.
SCAN — scans through the programmed channels.
MANUAL — stops scanning and lets you directly enter a channel number.
(Lock Out Review/Lock Out) — lets you review
8#and 9 — enters the direction the scanner will search or scan.
MON/CL (Monitor/Clear) — accesses the 20 monitor memories or clears an incorrect entry.
PGM (Program) — programs frequencies into channels.
Number Keys — each key has a
The display shows the scanner’s current operating mode.
FD/PD — appears when you search the fire/ police service bank.
BANK — appears with numbers
AIR — appears when you search the air service bank.
HAM — appears when you search the ham radio service bank.
MARINE — appears when you search the marine service bank.
8or 9 — indicates the search or scan direction.
M — flashes with a number
L/O — appears when you manually select a channel you locked out while scanning or when you review a locked out frequency.
WX — appears when you scan the weather channels.
Understanding Your Scanner | 9 |