Many agencies use a two-way radio system that has a period of several seconds between a query and a reply. To avoid missing a reply, you can program a 2-second delay into any channel or set a delay for all frequencies. When your scanner stops on a channel or frequency with a programmed delay, DLY appears and the scanner continues to monitor that channel or frequency for 2 seconds after the transmission stops before resuming scanning or searching.

You can program a 2-second delay in any of these ways:

If the scanner is scanning and stops on an active channel, quickly press DELAY/before it resumes scanning.

If the desired channel is not selected, manually select the channel, then press DELAY/.

If the scanner is searching, press DELAY/. DLY appears and the scanner automatically adds a 2-second delay to every transmission it stops on in that band.

To turn off the 2-second delay in a channel or for all frequencies, press DELAY/while the scanner is monitoring that channel or frequency. DLY disappears.



You can increase the effective scanning or search speed by locking out individual channels or frequencies that have a con- tinuous transmission, such as a weather channel (see “National Weather Frequencies” on Page 41) or a birdie frequency (see “Birdie Frequencies” on Page 41).

Locking Out Channels

To lock out a channel during scanning, press L/O / L/O RVW when the scanner stops on the channel.

To manually lock out a channel, select the channel then hold down L/O / L/O RVW until L/O appears.


Page 36
Image 36
Radio Shack PRO-79 owner manual Special Features, Delay, Locking OUT Channels or Frequencies, Locking Out Channels