Cannot make a SkypeOut call.
•You may not be subscribing to this service. You need to have SkypeOut credit to use this service. You can buy SkypeOut credit at www.Skype.com.
•You are out of Skype credits. Check your available Skype credits via Service/ Skype Credit.
SkypeOut call does not reach the person intended.
•You may not have stored your country code. Check that your country code is registered via Settings/ Phone settings/ Region/Country code. You may also need to check your area code via Settings/ Phone settings/ Region/ Area code.
•For an international call, you may have dialled the country code incorrectly, please hold “0” until the display shows “+”, then dial the number starting with the country code.
Cannot send voicemails.
•You may not be subscribing to this service. You can buy SkypeOut voicemail service at www.Skype.com. Check if your voicemail is active via Service/ Voicemail.
Landline and mobile phones cannot call me via SkypeIn.
•You may not be subscribing to this service. You can buy SkypeIn service at www.Skype.com.
•You may be out of Skype credits. Check your status via Service/ SkypeIn.
•People calling your SkypeIn number may not wait long enough before they hang up. People calling you should allow the phone to ring at least five times before they hang up.
Cannot call via my landline connection.
•The base station is may not be connected to your landline. Connect the landline to your base station.
•The landline may be out of order. Check your landline connection with another traditional phone if available and hear if there is a dialling tone. If not, contact your landline provider.
•The base station may not be turned on. Turn on the base station.
Cannot access the main menu Contacts.
•You may be signed out from Skype. All contacts are stored in your Skype. Please sign in via Status/ Sign in to Skype. You can still place landline calls without a Skype connection.
Cannot see if a Skype contact is online as his or her online status is always
shown as | . |
•The contact in question may not have been authorized. Send an Authorization request: From Contacts, select Option/ Advanced/ Request details. Whenever a person has accepted your request, you will be able to see his or her online status.
The main menu Skype Call History is suddenly empty.
•You may be signed out of Skype.The Skype call History list is deleted whenever you sign out. Sign in via Status/ Sign in to Skype. Please note: Old Skype call details will not be restored at the next sign in. Landline call history will always be kept.