EJECT button 6, 10, 23, 57 Erase protection 22 Exposure control 40, 41 Exposure indicators 30, 41 Eyepiece focus control 7, 10, 27
Fade and wipe indicators 30, 42 Fade/wipe feature 42, 43 FADES button 59
Fast forward indicator 29
FFbutton 10, 58 First recording 9 First time operation 3
Focus indicators 30, 37 Focusing 36, 37
Handstrap 4
Indicators animation 49
AUTO DATE display 28 battery level 15 cassette warning 28 clock cell 17, 31
date and time 28 exposure 30, 41 fade and wipe 30, 42
interval time 51
LENS COVER 31 manual white balance 29 P. (program) AE 28, 44
record time 49, 51 REFRESH 14 special effects 28 Steady Pix 31, 41 TAPE END 31 tape length 31 tape speed 31
Information to user 85
Inserting and removing cassettes 23 Interval time indicators 51
LCD monitor 6, 7, 9, 10, 23, 26, 57 displays 28
playback 56
turn displays on or off 33 use to record 26
use to record 7
use when recording 27 Lens 11
Lens cover 9
LENS COVER control 4 LENS COVER indicator 31 Letterbox recording 45
Light, color enhancement 54, 55 LIGHT OFF•AUTO•ON switch 54 Lithium cell indicator 17, 31 Lithium cell, inserting and removing 17
M.W.B. menu 39, 41
Manual exposure 40
Manual focus 37