Chapter 4 39
Using the TV's Menu System
Advanced Picture Settings (not available on VGA)
Film Mode (3:2 Pulldown) Automatically detects video sources
that were originally recorded on fi lm (like most movies) and
subsequently converted to a different format (for TV broadcast,
for example). Film mode processes the converted signal so that it
looks as close as possible to the original. Another name for this
process is reverse 3:2 pulldown.
Advanced (recommended) enables the feature only
when the TV detects that movie playback quality could be
improved. Advanced is the default setting.
The Off setting turns off fi lm mode upconversion. Try using
this setting if you think the reverse 3:2 pulldown is causing
distortions in your picture.
Noise Reduction Reduces picture “static” or any type of
interference. This feature is especially useful for providing a clearer
picture in weak analog signal conditions. Press the right arrow
to choose between: Off for no noise reduction; Low for a softer,
smoother picture that retains picture sharpness and detail; Medium
for a slightly softer picture than the Low setting; High for an even
softer, smoother picture than the other settings (the picture detail is
somewhat decreased).
Note: Video noise reduction is available for the CMP1 and
CMP2 inputs only if the signal is 480i.
PIP Menu
The PIP menu lets you customize the PIP feature. To access the PIP
menu, press MENU on the remote, and then select PIP from the Main
Menu. Go to page 34 for more information on using the PIP feature.
Dual Mode Adjusts the way the picture is displayed. The choices
are: PIP (Picture-in-Picture), POP (Picture-on-Picture- pictures are side
by side) or Off.
Channel Select the channel displayed in the PIP or POP window.
PIP Position Select the location where the PIP window is displayed:
Upper Left, Bottom Left, Upper Right, or Bottom Right.
Setup Menu
The Setup menu lets you confi gure the TV to fi t its surroundings and
your preferences. To access the Setup menu, press MENU on the
remote, and then select Setup from the Main Menu.
Channel Setup
Signal Type Choose the type of signal you have connected to
Auto Channel Search Searches for channels the signal is
receiving. Go to page 15 for more information.
Go back
Film Mode Advanced...
Noise Reduction Off...
Advanced settings
Go back
Channel setup ...
List and Labels ...
Autotuning ...
Closed caption ...
Preferences ...
Message ...
Go back
Dual Mode PIP...
Channel 25 CBS...
PIP Position Upper right...