M30870T-EPB User’s Manual 3. Usage (Emulator Debugger)
REJ10J0482-0300 Rev.3.00 February 16, 2006
2. Emulation Memory Allocation as Expansion Area
Emulation Memory Allocation as Expansion
When selecting the memory expansion mode and
microprocessor mode, it is possible to allocate the emulation
memory at the expansion area for debugging (max. 4 areas).
In this dialog box, set the memory allocation at the area fo
debugging and specify the mapping information.
- Setting bank address (Bank):
Specify the bank address of the area to be allocated fo
expansion as a hexadecimal number.
For example, specifying "C0" allocates the bank fro
address C00000h.
- Specifying area size (Length):
Specify the size of the specified expansion area (256 KB
or 1 MB). When “256 KB” is specified for Length, 00,
04, 08 and -FC (by 4 banks) can be specified for Bank.
When “1 MB” is specified for Length, 00, 10, 20 and
F0 (by 16 banks) can be specified for Bank.
- Specifying area map (Map):
Specify the mapping information (“INTERNAL” o
“EXTERNAL”). When not using the specified area,
select “No Use”.
Internal: This bank is allocated as an internal area
(emulation memory)
External: This bank is allocated as an external area
(external resource on user system).
Notes on Using Emulation Memory for Expansion:
When single-chip mode or memory expansion mode is set as a processor mode, internal ROM area is
automatically allocated to the internal flash ROM. Therefore, it is not necessary to deliberately specify
emulation memory as expansion area in order to allocate the internal ROM area.
The 4MB memory mounted in the product can be allocated out. Set memory allocation so that the total of the 4
length values does not exceed the emulation memory size (4 MB). However, the emulation memory is 3.00 MB
in memory expansion mode.
Be careful that the specified areas do not overlap one another.
Do not set the following areas for memory allocation of the MCU. Set these areas referring the specifications of
the MCU.
(1) Area allocated for multiplex bus
(2) Unusable area
Memory in the emulator is automatically selected as reset vector area regardless of settings.
Except for the SFR, RAM, ROM and internally reserved areas, all areas other than the set area are externally
MCU internal resources are automatically selected as SFR and RAM areas regardless of settings.
When “No Use” is selected or nothing is selected in “Map”, the specified area is allocated to an external area.
The difference between these cases and selecting “EXTERNAL” is a download speed only.
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