( 22 / 38 )
An evaluation MCU on the M34282T5-OPT and the target system are connected as shown below.
(1) Pin connected directly to the target system (1 type, 1 line)
(2) Pins connected to the target system via emulation circuits etc. (5 types, 17 lines)
•G0 to G3
•D0 to D7
•E0 to E2
(3) Pins not connected to the target system (2 types, 2 lines)
*With the M34282T5-OPT, XIN and XOUT pins are not connected to the target system. Therefore,
when changing the system clock frequency, change the frequency of the oscillator circuit board
4.7 LED
Figure 4.9 shows the LED layout of M34282T5-OPT. The LED lights in green when the power is
supplied to the MCU board.
Figure 4.9 Layout of LED