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(2) Skip instructions (e.g. SNZP, INY, DEY, SZB, SEAM, SZC and RTS)
In cases when a skip instruction skips the next instruction, a break point set in the skipped
instruction does not cause execution to halt. (See Program examples 5.3 and 5.4)
Program example 5.3
LXY 0,0
POINT: B jmp_adr ; Skip when D(0) = 0
If a break point is set at POINT,
D(0) = 0: Execution is halted immediately before the instruction at POINT.
D(0) = 1: Execution is NOT halted because the instruction at POINT is skipped.
To halt execution immediately after a skip instruction, set break points at POINT and POINT_A.
Program example 5.4
POINT: TABP ; Skip when (Y) = 0
LA 0
If a break with pass count is set at address POINT, the count is taken and execution is halted
only when the instruction at address POINT is executed.