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10 Cancel Comb. Specifies whether Combine Originals or Memory Combine
mode is cleared after finishing your print job.
Default: Not to cancel
11 No. of Skip
Feed Specifies the number of drum rotations in Skip Feed mode
at power on. You can also select whether you can change
the number of drum rotations temporarily when you press
the {
Skip Feed
} key. See P.70 “Skip Feed Printing”.
Panel display: Display
Number of Skip Feed: 2
For how to change number of rotations, see P.151 “4-
11 No. of Skip Feed”.
12 Idling for
Q.start When you use the Manual Quality Start function, you can
select how many times the drum unit idles.
Default: 45
13 Setting Q.start If the machine is not used for a long period of time, the ink
on the drum might dry causing image quality to deterio-
rate. The Auto Quality Start function automatically recov-
ers image density quality after a selected time has passed.
If Auto Quality Start is set to "Not to use", you can regain
print quality by making a few extra prints or you can use
Manual Quality Start mode.
Default: To use
14 No. of Q.start You can select how many times the drum unit idles after
the following time periods have passed in Auto Quality
Start mode.
Default: See P.152 “4-14 No. of Q.start”.
To increase the print image density, increase the num-
ber of drum rotations, and vice versa.
For how to change the number of idle spins, see P.152
“4-14 No. of Q.start”.
No. Mode Description