Optional Functions
Color Printing Using the Optional Color Drum
Color drum units are available as op-
tions in addition to the standard black
unit. For making color prints, a sepa-
rate drum unit is necessary for each
If the ink on the color drum dries,
use the Quality Start mode. P.74
Quality Start Mode.

Making Color Prints

AMake sure that the color drum in-
dicator is lit.
BPress the {
} key.
CCheck the image position of the
trial or proof print.
If the image position is not cor-
rect, adjust it using the [Image
=] key ( P.23 Adjusting the
Position of Printed Images).
DMake your prints.

Changing the Color Drum Unit

AOpen the front door.
BLower the drum unit lock lever
Make sure the green light be-
side the drum unit lock lever is
on before sliding out the drum.
If the light is off, close the front
door, wait for five seconds, and
then open.