User Tools Menu
2. Set Operat'n Mode
No. Mode Description
1 Min. Quantity The minimum print quantity can be set between 0 and 9999.
Example: If you specify 20 as minimum number of prints, runs of
20 or more prints will be accepted, print runs of less than 20 prints
will not be accepted.
Default: 0
2 Max. Quantity The maximum print quantity can be set between 0 and 9999.
Default: 9999
3 CopyCount Dis-
The counter can be set to show the number of prints made (Up),
or the number of prints left to be made (Down).
Default: Down
5 Panel Beeper Turns the beeper on or off.
Default: STD. (standard)
Available settings:
ALL OFF (The beeper does not sound when you press keys
or when warning messages appear on the panel display.)
STD. (When you press a key, the beeper does not sound.
When warning messages appear on the panel display, the
beeper sounds.)
ALL ON (The beeper sounds when you press a key or
when warning messages appear on the panel display.)
6 LCD Contrast You can adjust the brightness of the panel display.
7 Delivery Capaci-
You can set the maximum number to make prints.
Default: Yes (1000 sheets)