Having a pawn on a board allows one to:
•Take actions on that game board (see 2).
•Collect the Earnings on that game board on turns 4 and 7 (see IV).
The blue player moves her first Adventurer Pawn from the Age of Might board to the Age of Reason, for a cost of 1 Ecu.
She also moves her second adventurer from the Age of Might to the Age of Faith board by spending another 1 Ecu.
•In order to construct a building, Construction Cards of the same color type for the chosen building, and only that type, must be spent. Orange cards are used for Military buildings, fuchsia cards for Religious buildings and blue cards for Civil buildings.
•The number of Construction Cards necessary to build a building is indicated on each tile.
A building may be constructed on the Might and Faith boards but it is forbidden to construct a building during the Age of Reason.
A building must be constructed on empty squares on the game board and respect geographical, dominical, and hierarchical rules for construction (see A – The 3 Construction Rules).
The construction of a Keep requires two Military Construction Cards.
Each player starts with 4 Construction Cards in hand.
A player may only use Construction cards on a board where at least one of his Adventurer pawns is present.
Only two cards may be played per Adventurer pawn. The player may use these two cards on the same board or on two different boards if he decides to move the Adventurer pawn after playing the first card.
Depending on the position of a player’s two Adventure pawns, the player may, therefore, use 4 cards on the same board or on different boards, before or after travelling in time.
If the Adventurer pawns are on the same board, the player may combine his cards to build a construction costing 3 or 4 cards.
If the player does not wish to use all 4 of his cards, he may discard the unused cards or keep them for the next turn.
On the Might and Faith game boards, a player may use the Construction Cards to :
2.1.Construct a building.
2.2.Upgrade a building.
2.3.Demolish a small building.
These three actions must take into consideration: A- Construction Rules.
B- Time Rippling Effects. C- Domain Transformation.
On the Age of Reason game board, it is possible to use Construction Cards to:
2.4.Populate a Civil Building.
2.5.Renovate a ruin.
A Player may construct, upgrade, demolish, populate, and renovate as many times as he wishes during the same turn, limited only by the number of Construction Cards in his hand, and respecting the rules linked to each action.
2.1. Constructing a building
(during the Ages of Might and Faith only)
The player must use Construction Cards in order to build a building.
•This can only be done during an epoch where at least one of the player’s Adventurers is present.
When players construct Military or Religious buildings, they place one of their Control Cubes on the tile to show ownership.
Control Cubes are not placed on Civil buildings when they are created, as they belong to no one.
The Monastery is controlled by the Red player; the Watch Tower by the Green player.
Construction bonuses
The construction of a small building (size 1: Hamlets, Watch Towers, Chapels) awards no bonus. The construction
of bigger buildings (size 2 & 3: Towns, Cities, Keeps, Castles, Monasteries, or Abbeys) awards, at construction, 1 Ecu on the Age of Might board and 2 Ecus on the Age of Faith board.
The green player builds a Keep on the Age of Might board and immediately collects 1 Ecu.
A building can only be constructed if the building tile is available in the stock pile.
2.2. Upgrading a building
(during the Ages of Might and Faith only)
A player uses Construction Cards to upgrade a Religious or Military building that he controls or any Civil building.
•The number of cards necessary for the upgrade is the difference in the cost of the original building and the newer version.
•To upgrade a building, Construction Cards of the appropriate building color must be played.