Roland F-50 Some Handy Functions, Changing the Keyboard’s Touch, Disabling Buttons Panel Lock

Models: F-50

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Some Handy Functions

Changing the Keyboard’s Touch

You can change the touch sensitivity, or response of the keys.

The setting is at “Medium” when the F-50 is powered up.

Disabling Buttons

(Panel Lock)

Making the setting for the panel lock enables a state where only piano play is possible, and all buttons are disabled. As the settings are not changed, this is convenient for piano performances.


1.Press the [Light] button or the [Heavy] button.

The indicator for the selected button lights. When the [Light] button is pressed, the button’s indicator lights up and the keyboard is set to a “light” touch. When the [Heavy] button is pressed, the button’s indicator lights up and the keyboard is set to a “heavy” touch.

When the [Light] and [Heavy] buttons are pressed simultaneously, both the [Light] and [Heavy] button indicators light, and the key touch is set to “Fixed.”

Button Status


































This is the most natural















touch for the keyboard. This







is the closest to the touch of















an acoustic piano.





















Fortissimo (ff) can be








obtained with weaker touch








than usual, so, you will feel







that the keyboard is lighter.













This setting makes it easy to




play, even for children.























Fortissimo (ff) can be








obtained only with forceful















playing, so you will feel that








the keyboard is heavier.








Dynamic fingering adds






even more feeling to what








you play.
















Notes are sounded at an















unchanging volume level,








regardless of how lightly or








forcefully you finger the















Press either the [Light] or [Heavy] button once more to

turn off both button indicators and return the key touch

setting to “Medium.”

1.Turn the volume down all the way by rotating the [Volume] knob, and press the [Power] switch to turn off the power.

2.While holding down the [Piano] button, press the [Power] switch to turn on the power.


Turn the power ON

While holding down...

3.Adjust the volume.

Fingering the keyboard now produces a grand piano sound. It will be not possible to switch to another sound.

To defeat the Panel Lock function, turn the volume down to the minimum, and turn on the power once again.


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Roland F-50 Some Handy Functions, Changing the Keyboard’s Touch, Disabling Buttons Panel Lock, Adjust the volume