In the contents of Patch Expand Patches, note numbers 35–81 are compatible with GM Percussion

Map which can be used to select Percussion sounds under the General MIDI System, and note num-

bers 27–87 are compatible with GS Standard Set which can be used under the GS Format.

The contents of the Patches used by the Patch Expand function (Patches 96–99) can be modified in the

same way as other Patches.

Sounding Priority when Patch Expand is On
If more than two sounds are set to the same note number and they receive the corresponding note num-
ber, only one sound will play, in the priority shown in the following diagram.

General MIDI System

The General MIDI system is a set of recommendations which seeks to provide a way to go beyond
the limitations of proprietary designs, and standardize the MIDI capabilities of sound generating
devices. Sound generating devices and music files that meets the General MIDI standard bears the
General MIDI logo ( ). Music files bearing the General MIDI logo can be played back using any
General MIDI sound generating unit to produce essentially the same musical performance. General
MIDI supports the GM Percussion Map in channel 10.

GS Format

The GS Format ( ) is Roland's set of specifications for standardizing the performance of sound
generating devices. In addition to including support for everything defined by the General MIDI
System, the highly-compatible GS Format additionally offers an expanded number of sounds,
provides for the editing of sounds, and spells out many details for a wide range of extra features,
including effects such as reverb and chorus.
Designed with the future in mind, the GS Format can readily include new sounds and support new
hardware features when they arrive.
Since it is upwardly compatible with the General MIDI System, Roland's GS Format is capable of
reliably playing back GM Scores equally as well as it performs GS Music Files (music files that has
been created with the GS Format in mind). The GS Standard set is one of the percussion sets which
can be used in GS drum part. (Default; ch 10.)
priority low
The currently
selected Patch

96 97 98 99