View fi les in the smart album by category
The fi les can be classifi ed and shown by the
fi le, date (day), date (week), and type.
1 In Playback mode, press [ ].
2 Press [MENU].
3 Select a desired playback method.
Type Classify by the saved fi le form
Date Classify by date recorded.
Week Classify by week recorded.
4 You can view items by turning the dial or
pressing [W/X].
5 Press [ ] to return to the previous function.
Converting to the thumbnail view
Since several fi les can be shown on one dis-
play, fi les can be searched quickly.
To have a thumbnail view of 9
images, press [] two times, or
press [ ] three times to have a
thumbnail view of 20 images.
(Press [ ] to cancel)
Play (picture/movie)
When you start Smart Album or change the fi lter
method, the time it takes for the camera to clas-
sify and display fi les depends on the number
of fi les saved. Please wait a until Smart Album