Samsung DVD-HD950/XEH manual Bezpeãnostní opatÞení, Instalace, Pro va‰i bezpeãnost, Upozornûní


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Bezpeãnostní opatÞení


-Správné provozní napûtí pÞehrávaãe naleznete na identifikaãním ‰títku na jeho zadní stranû.

-Nainstalujte pÞehrávaã do skÞíÀky s patÞiãnùmi vûtracími otvory. (7~10cm) Neblokujte vûtrací otvory Ïádné z komponent, abyste nebránili cirkulaci vzduchu.

-Zásuvku na disk nezavírejte rukou.

-Nepokládejte komponenty na sebe.

-PÞed manipulací s pÞehrávaãem vypnûte v‰echny komponenty.

-NeÏ budete k pÞehrávaãi pÞipojovat jiné komponenty, vypnûte je.

-Po pouÏití vyjmûte disk a pÞehrávaã vypnûte, zejména pokud jej nebudete del‰í dobu pouÏívat.

2.Pro va‰i bezpeãnost

-Tento vùrobek pracuje s laserovùmi paprsky. PouÏití jinùch ovládacích prvkÛ nebo nastavení nebo provádûní jinùch postupÛ, neÏ které jsou uvedeny v tomto návodu, by mohlo vést k nebezpeãnému ozáÞení.

-Neotevírejte kryty a sami neprovádûjte Ïádné opravy. Pokud vùrobek vyÏaduje opravu, obraÈte se na kvalifikované techniky.


-VበpÞehrávaã není urãen k prÛmyslovému pouÏití, ale pro soukromé pouÏití v domácnosti. pouÏití tohoto pÞehrávaãe je pouze pro vlastní potÞebu.

-Nepokládejte na pÞehrávaã Ïádné nádoby s tekutinami ani drobné kovové objekty.

-Normální provoz pÞehrávaãe mohou ovlivnit vnûj‰í vlivy jako je blesk nebo statická elektÞina. Pokud k tomu

dojde, pÞehrávaã vypnûte a znovu zapnûte tlaãítkem POWER nebo odpojte a potom opût zapojte napájecí kabel do zásuvky. PÞehrávaã bude pracovat normálnû .

-Pokud se uvnitÞ pÞehrávaãe vytvoÞí kondenzace z dÛvodu prudkùch teplotních zmûn, pÞehrávaã nemusí

pracovat správnû. Pokud k tomu dojde, nechte pÞehrávaã v pokojové teplotû , dokud nevyschne a nebude opût funkãní.


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Samsung DVD-HD950/XEH, DVD-HD950/XEG, DVD-HD950/XEL manual Bezpeãnostní opatÞení, Instalace, Pro va‰i bezpeãnost, Upozornûní

DVD-HD950/XEG, DVD-HD950/XEL, DVD-HD950/SED, DVD-HD950/XEH specifications

The Samsung DVD-HD950 is a versatile and sophisticated DVD player that delivers high-quality audio and video performance, making it a great addition to any home entertainment system. This model has various designations, including DVD-HD950/XEH, DVD-HD950/SED, DVD-HD950/XAA, DVD-HD950/XEL, and DVD-HD950/XEG, each catering to different regional markets while maintaining the same core features.

One of the standout features of the DVD-HD950 is its upconversion technology, which enhances standard DVDs to near-HD quality. This ensures that your older DVD collections look sharper and more vibrant when viewed on high-definition displays. The player supports multiple video formats, including AVI, DivX, JPEG, and MPEG, ensuring compatibility with various media files.

The DVD-HD950 also emphasizes audio quality, offering support for numerous audio formats such as Dolby Digital and DTS. With its integrated 192 kHz/24-bit audio DAC, users can expect an enriched listening experience, capturing the subtleties of music and dialogue. This detail extends to its comprehensive connectivity options that include component, composite, and S-Video outputs, along with optical and coaxial digital audio outputs, allowing for seamless integration into existing media setups.

Additionally, the DVD-HD950 is equipped with a USB port, enabling users to play media files directly from flash drives or external hard drives. This feature adds to the device's versatility, allowing for easy access to a wide range of content without the need for additional devices. The intuitive on-screen interface makes navigating through menus straightforward, enhancing user experience.

The design of the DVD-HD950 is sleek and modern, fitting well into most home entertainment environments. Its compact size does not compromise performance, making it an ideal choice for those with limited space. The player is also built with energy efficiency in mind, minimizing power consumption without sacrificing performance.

In summary, the Samsung DVD-HD950 series, inclusive of the models DVD-HD950/XEH, DVD-HD950/SED, DVD-HD950/XAA, DVD-HD950/XEL, and DVD-HD950/XEG, combines cutting-edge technology and user-friendly features, making it a robust option for anyone looking to elevate their home viewing experience with superior video and audio quality. Whether it’s the advanced upconversion capabilities, diverse format support, or stylish design, the DVD-HD950 stands as a testament to Samsung's dedication to quality in home entertainment solutions.