Samsung DVD-P390/XEC manual Volba jazyka pro titulky, Zmûna úhlu zábûru kamery, Cancel nebo Return


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PoÏadované nastavení




zvuku u MPEG4 prove-






dete stisknutím tlaãítek



MP3 1/1



AUDIO (√) a potom






stisknûte tlaãítko ENTER.











2.K odstranûní ikony AUDIO stisknûte tlaãítko CANCEL nebo



-Tato funkce závisí na jazycích uloÏen˘ch na disku a nemusí pracovat.

-Disk DVD mÛÏe obsahovat zvuk aÏ v 8 jazy- cích.

-Jak dosáhnout toho, abyste mûli p•i p•ehrávání jakéhokoliv DVD vÏdy stejn˘ jazyk pro audio; podívejte se na "Nastavování funkcí jazyka" na stranû 27.

Volba jazyka pro titulky

PoÏadovan˘ jazyk titulkÛ mÛÏete volit snadno a rychle tlaãítkem SUBTITLE (π).

PouÏití tlaãítka SUBTITLE (DVD/


1.Stisknûte tlaãítko SUBTITLE (π).

Jazyk titulkÛ se bude pi opakovaném tisknutí tlaãítka mûnit. Jazyky titulkÛ jsou zobrazeny pomocí zkratek.


-V závislosti na pouÏit˘ch typech DVD mÛÏete poÏadované titulky zmûnit v nabídce Disc Menu. Stisknûte tlaãítko DISC MENU.

-Tato funkce záleÏí na tom, které jazyky jsou zakódované na disku a nemusí fungovat na v‰ech discích DVD.

-Disk DVD mÛÏe obsahovat titulky aÏ ve 32 jazy- cích.

-Jak dosáhnout toho, abyste mûli p•i p•ehrávání jakéhokoliv DVD vÏdy stejn˘ jazyk pro titulky; podívejte se na "Nastavování funkcí jazyka" na stranû 27.

Zmûna úhlu zábûru kamery

Pokud DVD obsahuje více úhl Û pohledu na urãitou scénu, mÛÏete pouÏít funkci ANGLE (ÚHEL).

PouÏití tlaãítka ANGLE (DVD)

Pokud disk obsahuje více úhlÛ pohledu, na obra- zovce se objeví ANGLE.

1.Bûhem pehrávání stisknûte tlaãítko INFO na dálkovém ovládání.

2.Nabídku Shortcut zvolíte stisknutím tlaãítek π/.

3.Nabídku Angle zvolíte stisknutím tlaãítek /®, potom stisknûte tlaãítko ENTER.

● Pokroâilé Funkce

External Subtitle na obrazovce se zobrazí, závislosti na pouÏitém disku DivX.




Subtitle Selection

External Subtitle Off


Non-standard fonts are not supported




4.Stiskem tlaãítek /® na dálkovém ovládání zvolte poÏadovan˘ úhel.



Enter Return Menu

PoÏadované nastavení

jazyka titulkÛ MPEG4 MPEG4 provedete stisknutím

tlaãítek SUBTITLE (π)









potom stisknûte tlaãítko













2.K odstranûní ikony SUBTITLE stisknûte tlaãítko


Pokud disk obsahuje pouze jeden úhel, tato funkce nebude pracovat. V souãasné dobû dis- ponuje touto funkcí velmi málo diskÛ .

âesky _19

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Samsung DVD-P390/XEC Volba jazyka pro titulky, Zmûna úhlu zábûru kamery, PouÏití tlaãítka Subtitle DVD, Cancel nebo Return

DVD-P390/XEE, DVD-P390/XET, DVD-P390/XEL, DVD-P390/XEO, DVD-P390/XEC specifications

The Samsung DVD-P390/EDC and DVD-P191/EDC are two notable players in the realm of home entertainment, showcasing the company's commitment to quality and performance. Both models are excellent choices for avid movie watchers and offer an array of features that enhance the overall viewing experience.

The Samsung DVD-P390/EDC offers a sleek design that complements modern home decor while being user-friendly. It supports various disc formats, including DVD-R, DVD-RW, CD-R, and CD-RW, ensuring compatibility with most media. One of its key features is the progressive scan technology, which delivers exceptional picture clarity and improves the viewing experience by reducing motion artifacts. The player also supports multiple video outputs, including composite and S-Video, allowing users to connect to a variety of televisions and displays.

Another highlight of the DVD-P390 is its audio capabilities. With support for Dolby Digital and DTS audio formats, it delivers high-quality sound that enhances the cinematic experience. The player features a built-in audio DAC, which ensures that sound reproduction is accurate and faithful to the original recording. Additionally, it includes a host of customizable settings, allowing users to tailor the audio and video output according to their preferences.

On the other hand, the Samsung DVD-P191/EDC is designed with compactness and portability in mind, making it suitable for smaller spaces. This model also supports various disc formats and features progressive scan technology, ensuring clear and sharp images. It is equipped with a virtual surround sound option that enhances audio playback without the need for multiple speakers. The DVD-P191 also includes an on-screen display that simplifies navigation through menus and settings.

Both models are equipped with a remote control that provides easy access to a variety of functions, including playback control, chapter selection, and audio settings. Additional features such as zoom and resume playback capabilities enhance usability, making it convenient to watch content at one's own pace.

In conclusion, the Samsung DVD-P390/EDC and DVD-P191/EDC are excellent choices for consumers looking for reliable, high-quality DVD players. With their impressive features, modern technology, and user-friendly designs, these models provide an enjoyable and immersive home entertainment experience. Whether you prefer watching classic films or the latest releases, these Samsung DVD players are sure to meet your needs and elevate your viewing pleasure.