Samsung EC-ES80ZZBPPE3 manual Nemojte stavljati bateriju u mikrovalnu pećnicu, Upute za odlaganje


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Održavanje fotoaparata

Ako baterijom rukujete neoprezno ili nepravilno, možete uzrokovati osobne ozljede ili smrt. Radi vaše sigurnosti sljedite ove upute za pravilno rukovanje baterijom:

●●Baterija se može zapaliti ili eksplodirati ako se nepravilno koristi. Ako primijetite izobličenja, napukline ili druge abnormalnosti na bateriji, odmah je prestanite koristiti i kontaktirajte servisni centar.

●●Koristite samo originalne punjače baterija koje preporučuje proizvođač. Bateriju punite samo na način propisan u ovom priručniku za korisnike.

●●Ne postavljajte bateriju u blizini grijalica i nemojte je izlagati prekomjernoj toplini, primjerice u zatvorenom automobilu tijekom ljeta.

●●Nemojte stavljati bateriju u mikrovalnu pećnicu.

●●Izbjegavajte pohranjivanje i korištenje baterije na toplim, vlažnim mjestima kao što su saune ili tuševi.

●●Nemojte na dulje vrijeme odlagati uređaj na zapaljive površine, kao što su krevetnina, tepisi ili električni pokrivači.

●●Kad je uređaj uključen, nemojte ga na dulje vrijeme ostavljati u skučenom prostoru.

●●Pazite da kontakti baterije ne dođu u kontakt s metalnim objektima kao što su ogrlice, novčići, ključevi ili satovi.

●●Koristite samo originalne, litij-ionske zamjenske baterije koje preporučuje proizvođač.

●●Nemojte rastavljati bateriju niti je bušiti oštrim predmetima.

●●Izbjegavajte izlaganje baterije visokom tlaku ili razornim silama.

●●Izbjegavajte izlaganje baterije jakim udarcima, kao što je pad s velike visine.

●●Nemojte izlagati bateriju temperaturama od 60° C (140 ° F) ili višim.

●●Pazite da baterija ne dođe u dodir s vlagom ili tekućinama.

●●Nemojte izlagati bateriju direktno sunčevom svjetlu, vatri ilili bilo kojem izvoru visoke topline.

Upute za odlaganje

●●Pažljivo odložite bateriju.

●●Nemojte bacati bateriju u vatru.

●●Propisi o odlaganju mogu se razlikovati ovisno o državi ili regiji. Odložite baterije u skladu sa svim lokalnim i saveznim propisima.

Upute za punjenje baterije

Bateriju punite samo na način opisan u ovom priručniku za korisnike. Baterija se može zapaliti ili eksplodirati ako se nepravilno puni.

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Samsung EC-ES80ZZBPPE3 Nemojte stavljati bateriju u mikrovalnu pećnicu, Upute za odlaganje, Upute za punjenje baterije


The Samsung EC-ES80 series of digital cameras, specifically the models EC-ES80ZZBPPE3, EC-ES80ZZBPBE3, EC-ES80ZZBPSE3, and EC-ES80ZZBPRE3, stand out in the compact camera market for their blend of innovative technologies and user-friendly features. These cameras are designed for individuals who seek high-quality images in a lightweight and portable format.

One of the notable features of the EC-ES80 series is its 14.2-megapixel CCD sensor, which delivers impressive image quality with enhanced detail and clarity. This high-resolution sensor allows users to capture sharp, vivid photographs even in challenging lighting conditions. The cameras also boast a powerful 5x optical zoom, equating to a focal length range of 27mm to 135mm, enabling users to capture everything from wide-angle landscapes to distant subjects without sacrificing image quality.

These models are equipped with Samsung's Smart Auto technology, which automatically analyzes the scene and selects the appropriate settings for optimal exposure and color. This feature is especially beneficial for novice photographers, as it simplifies the shooting process and ensures great results with minimal effort. The cameras also support a range of scene modes, empowering users to customize their shooting experience based on the subject and environment.

Another standout characteristic is the 2.7-inch LCD display, which provides a clear view for framing shots, reviewing images, and navigating the camera's menu. The screen is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy to access various settings and functions. Additionally, the cameras feature face detection, blink detection, and smile shot technologies, helping users capture perfect moments with friends and family.

The Samsung EC-ES80 cameras are not just limited to still photography; they also offer video recording capabilities. Users can shoot 720p HD videos, adding another layer of versatility to their photography toolkit. The cameras also support various image formats, including JPEG, making it simple to share and print.

With a sleek, portable design, these cameras are perfect for everyday use, travel, and special occasions. Their combination of advanced features, user-friendly technology, and high-quality output makes the Samsung EC-ES80 series a compelling choice for anyone looking to step up their photography game without sacrificing convenience. Whether capturing life's spontaneous moments or carefully planned shots, these cameras deliver exceptional performance with every click.