ç Contents | ç Chapter Contents | 231 |
2Choose images.
zzPress the <o><p><q><r> buttons to choose an image to send, and then press the <m> button. [] is displayed.
zzTo cancel selection, press the <m> button again. [] is no longer displayed.
zzRepeat this process to choose additional images.
zzAfter you finish choosing images, press the <n> button.
3Send the images.
zzPress the <o><p><q><r> buttons to choose [], and then press the <m> button. Press the <o><p> buttons to choose the resolution (size) of images to send, and then press the <n> button.
zzPress the <o><p><q><r> buttons to choose [Send], and then press the <m> button.
zzWhen uploading to YouTube, read the terms of service, choose [I Agree], and press the <m> button.