Pielikums > Kameras tehniskā apkope

Kameras lietošana un glabāšana

Kameras lietošanai un glabāšanai nepiemērotas vietas

Izvairieties no kameras pakļaušanas ļoti aukstu un ļoti karstu temperatūru ietekmei.

Izvairieties no kameras lietošanas vietās, kur ir ļoti augsts gaisa mitruma līmenis vai kur iespējamas krasas gaisa mitruma līmeņa izmaiņas.

Izvairieties no kameras pakļaušanas tiešai saules staru ietekmei un tās glabāšanas karstās, nepietiekami ventilējamās vietās, piemēram, automobilī vasaras laikā.

Lai nepieļautu nopietnu kameras un displeja bojājumu rašanos, aizsargājiet kameru pret triecieniem, nesaudzīgu apiešanos un pārmērīgu vibrāciju.

Lai nerastos kustīgo daļu un iekšējo sastāvdaļu bojājumi, nelietojiet un nenovietojiet kameru putekļainā, netīrā, mitrā vai slikti vēdinātā vietā.

Nelietojiet kameru degvielas, viegli uzliesmojošu vielu vai viegli uzliesmojošu ķimikāliju tuvumā. Neuzglabājiet un nepārvietojiet viegli uzliesmojošus šķidrumus, gāzes vai sprādzienbīstamus materiālus kameras vai tās piederumu atrašanās vietā.

Neglabājiet kameru vietā, kur atrodas naftalīns.

Izmantošana pludmalēs vai piekrastēs

Lietojot kameru pludmalē vai citās līdzīgās vietās, nodrošiniet, lai kamerā neiekļūst smiltis un netīrumi.

Šī kamera nav ūdensdroša. Nepieskarieties akumulatoram, adapterim vai atmiņas kartei ar mitrām rokām. Darbojoties ar kameru ar mitrām rokām, var izraisīt kameras bojājumus.

Glabāšana ilgstošā laika periodā

Uzglabājot kameru ilgstošā periodā starp izmantošanas reizēm, ievietojiet to cieši noslēdzamā konteinerā ar absorbējošu materiālu, piemēram, silikagelu.

Laika gaitā nelietotie akumulatori izlādēsies, un pirms kameras lietošanas tie būs atkal jāuzlādē.

Pašreizējo datumu un laiku var inicializēt pēc kameras ieslēgšanas, kad kamera un akumulators ir bijuši atdalīti ilgu laiku.


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Samsung EV-NX2000BFWLV manual 171, Kameras lietošana un glabāšana, Kameras lietošanai un glabāšanai nepiemērotas vietas

EV-NX2000BFWLV, EV-NX2000BABLV specifications

The Samsung EV-NX2000 series of cameras represents a notable innovation in the realm of digital photography, combining advanced features with user-friendly technology to cater to both amateurs and enthusiasts alike. The series includes several variants like the EV-NX2000BFWKZ, EV-NX2000BABLV, EV-NX2000BFWLV, EV-NX2000BFWRU, and EV-NX2000BABKZ, all sharing a core set of features that set them apart from traditional compacts.

At the heart of the Samsung EV-NX2000 series is a robust 20.3-megapixel APS-C sensor. This powerful sensor not only provides high-resolution images but also excels in low-light situations, producing clear, detailed shots with striking color accuracy. The cameras support interchangeable lenses, providing versatility for different shooting scenarios, from wide-angle landscapes to tight portraits.

One of the standout features of the EV-NX2000 cameras is their smart connectivity options, including built-in Wi-Fi and NFC capabilities. This allows users to quickly share images and videos directly to social media platforms or to other devices, simplifying the process of showcasing their work. Coupled with Samsung’s Smart Camera app, photographers have the ability to control their camera remotely, enhancing creative possibilities during shoots.

Each model in the series boasts a 3.7-inch touchscreen LCD display, which not only makes navigation intuitive but also assists in composing stunning pictures through a vibrant and responsive interface. The tilt feature of the screen also facilitates creative angles and self-portraits.

The EV-NX2000 cameras are equipped with Samsung's Smart Mode, providing an array of scene options for different shooting conditions. This automated feature intelligently detects surroundings, allowing the camera to adjust settings such as exposure and focus to deliver optimal results.

Video enthusiasts will appreciate the full HD 1080p recording capabilities, allowing for high-quality video capture with features such as live filters and effects that can be applied in real-time.

In addition to these core functionalities, each variant in the EV-NX2000 lineup is designed to be lightweight and compact, making them a perfect companion for travel. Their stylish design combined with powerful performance makes them not only appealing but also highly functional.

In summary, the Samsung EV-NX2000 series, through models like the EV-NX2000BFWKZ, EV-NX2000BABLV, EV-NX2000BFWLV, EV-NX2000BFWRU, and EV-NX2000BABKZ, offers photographers high-resolution imaging, smart connectivity, user-friendly features, and diverse functionality, making them an excellent choice for capturing life’s moments in exceptional quality.