Samsung FW87SBTR/BW, FW87SR-B/BWT Pechdan foydalani, Vaqtni Belgilash, Taom TAYYORLASH/ISITISH


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pechdan foydalani


Ushbu mikroto'lqinli pech ichki qurilgan soat bilan jihozlangan. Elektr quvvati berilganda displeyda ":0", "88:88" yoki "12:00" vaqt avtomatik ravishda namoyish qilinadi.

Joriy vaqtni o'rnating. Soat vaqtni 12 soatlik yoki 24 soatlik formatda namoyish qilishi mumkin. Soatni quyidagi holatlarda o'rnatish kerak bo'ladi.

Mikroto'lqinli pechni ilk marta o'rnatayotganda

Elektr tarmog'ida uzilish bo'lgandan keyin

Yozgi vaqtdan qishki vaqtga o'tgan paytda va, aksincha bo'lganida, soatni to'g'rilashni unutmang.

1. Vaqtni ... o'rnatish uchun

24 soatli formatda

12 soatli formatda

Soat () tugmasini bir yoki ikki marta bosing.

2.Soatni o'rnatish uchun () va () tugmalarini bosing.

3. tugmasini bosing.

4.Daqiqani o'rnatish uchun () va () tugmalarini bosing.

5. tugmasini bosing.


Taomni tayyorlash va isitish jarayoni quyida tasvirlanadi.

Pechni qarovsiz qoldirishdan avval tayyorlashning berilgan parametrlarini ALBATTA tekshiring.

Tayyorlanayotga taomni avval aylanuvchi patnisning o'rtasiga joylashtiring. Keyin eshikchani yoping.

1. tugmasini bosing.

Natija: 800 Vt quvvati (tayyorlash uchun maksimal quvvat) ko'rsatiladi:

Displeyda tegishli quvvat darajasi ko'rsatilgunicha (), tugmasini bosgan holda kerakli quvvat darajasini tanlang. Quvvat darajalari jadvalini ko'ring.

2.() va () tugmalarini bosib, tayyorlash vaqtini tanlang.

3. tugmasini bosing.

Natija: Pechkada chiroq yonadi va patnis aylana boshlaydi.

1)Taom tayyorlash jarayoni boshlanadi, u nihoyasiga yetishi bilan pech to'rt marta tovushli signal beradi.

2)Tayyorlash nihoyasiga yetganligi haqida eslatib, pech

3 marta tovushli signal beradi (har daqiqada bir signal).

3)Keyin yana joriy vaqt namoyish etiladi.

Hech qachon mikroto'lqinli pechni bo'sh bo'lganida yoqmang.

Taomni maksimal quvvatda (800 Vt) isitish kerak bo'lsa, tayyorlash vaqti uchun +30s tugmasini har bosganda 30 soniya tayyorlash vaqtini qo'shgan holda kerakli marta bosing. Pech darhol ishlay boshlaydi.

O’zbek - 14

FW87SSTR_BWT_DE68-04368A-02_RU+UK+KK+UZ.indb 14

2017-12-11 ￿￿ 12:09:33

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Samsung FW87SBTR/BW, FW87SR-B/BWT Pechdan foydalani, Vaqtni Belgilash, Taom TAYYORLASH/ISITISH, Vaqtni ... ornatish uchun

FW87SSTR/BWT, FW77SR-B/BWT, FW87SR-B/BWT, FW87SBTR/BW, FW87SR-W/BWT specifications

The Samsung FW87SR-W/BWT, FW87SBTR/BW, FW87SR-B/BWT, FW77SR-B/BWT, and FW87SSTR/BWT are part of Samsung's advanced refrigerator lineup, designed to meet the diverse needs of modern consumers. These models are characterized by their sleek designs, energy efficiency, and cutting-edge technologies.

One of the standout features of these refrigerators is the Smart Space technology, which optimizes the interior layout, allowing for better organization and storage flexibility. This feature ensures that users can easily reach and store items, maximizing available space while maintaining a tidy refrigerator environment.

The cooling technology employed in these models incorporates Samsung's Twin Cooling Plus system. This innovative cooling solution uses two separate cooling systems for the refrigerator and freezer compartments. This not only helps maintain optimal humidity levels but also prevents unpleasant odors from transferring between the two sections, ensuring that food stays fresher for longer periods.

Another significant feature is the Energy Star certification, which highlights the models’ commitment to energy efficiency. By consuming less energy while providing top-notch cooling performance, these refrigerators contribute to lower utility bills and a smaller carbon footprint, making them an excellent choice for environmentally conscious consumers.

The FW87SR-W/BWT and the FW87SBTR/BW models boast a built-in water and ice dispenser that offers convenient access to filtered water and ice cubes, further enhancing the user experience. The easy-to-use digital display allows consumers to control temperature settings and monitor the refrigerator’s performance effortlessly.

Samsung's innovative No Frost technology is also present in these models, eliminating the need for manual defrosting. This not only saves time but also maintains even cooling throughout the storage space, reducing ice buildup and ensuring easy access to frozen foods.

In terms of design, the stainless steel finishes give these refrigerators a modern and sophisticated look, making them a stylish addition to any kitchen. Moreover, the adjustable shelves and door bins provide users with versatility in food storage, accommodating items of various sizes.

Overall, the Samsung FW87SR-W/BWT, FW87SBTR/BW, FW87SR-B/BWT, FW77SR-B/BWT, and FW87SSTR/BWT stand out as exceptional choices among contemporary refrigerators, combining innovative technologies with user-friendly features to enhance everyday kitchen experiences.