Samsung GT-P7510 user manual Manage Applications, Running Services, Memory Usage, Battery Use

Models: GT-P7510

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Manage Applications

Manage and remove applications from your device.

1.From a Home screen, touch Apps Settings

Applications Manage applications.

2.Touch an application to view and update information about the application, including memory usage, default settings, and permissions.

For more information, refer to “Uninstalling an App” on page 100.

Running Services

View and control services running on your device.

Warning!: Not all services can be stopped. Stopping services may have undesirable consequences on the application or Android System.

From a Home screen, touch Apps Settings

Applications Running services.

To stop a service:

1.Touch the service.

2.Touch Stop.

The Stop system service? pop-up displays.

3.Touch OK.

Memory Usage

See how memory is being used by Downloaded, All, or Running applications.

1.From a Home screen, touch Apps Settings

Applications Memory usage.

2.Touch Downloaded, All, or Running to display memory usage for that category of applications.

Battery Use

See how the battery is being used by device activities.

1.From a Home screen, touch Apps Settings


2.Touch Battery use to view how the display, the Android system, and Wi-Fi are affecting battery use.

3.Touch Screen, Android System, or Wi-Fito view details.

Note: Other applications may be running that affect battery use.

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Samsung GT-P7510 user manual Manage Applications, Running Services, Memory Usage, Battery Use