Samsung GT-P7510 Managing Your Music, Music Player Touch New playlist, Rename playlist, Add music

Models: GT-P7510

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Managing Your Music

Searching for Music

To find music in your library:

1.From a Home screen, touch Apps

Music Player.

2.Touch Search.

3.Type the name of an artist, album, song, or playlist. Matching songs are displayed in a list below the search box.

4.Touch a matching song to play it. Touch a matching album, artist, or playlist to view a list of its songs.

Creating a Playlist

1.From a Home screen, touch Apps

Music Player.

2.Touch New playlist.

3.Touch the name field to enter a name for the playlist.

4.Touch Done to save the new playlist.

Renaming a Playlist

1.From a Home screen, touch Apps

Music Player.

2.Touch Playlists, touch a playlist, and then touch Menu

Rename playlist.

3.Touch the name field to enter a new name for the playlist.

4.Touch Done to save the new playlist.

Adding Songs to Playlists

1.From a Home screen, touch Apps

Music Player.

2.Touch and touch a playlist.

– or –

Touch Playlists, touch a playlist, and then touch Menu

Add music.

All songs are displayed.

3.Touch next each song you want to add or next to Add all to add all songs to the playlist.

The songs appear under the playlist to the right of the songs list.

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Samsung GT-P7510 user manual Managing Your Music, Music Player Touch New playlist, Rename playlist, Add music