Samsung GT-P7510 Updating Contacts, Touch Menu Edit, Deleting Contacts, Managing Photo IDs

Models: GT-P7510

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Updating Contacts

To update an existing contact:

1.From a Home screen, touch Apps Contacts.

2.Touch a contact in the Contacts list to view its information.

3.Touch Menu Edit.

4.Continue entering contact information. For more information, refer to “Creating Contacts” on page 41.

Deleting Contacts

To delete a contact:

1.From a Home screen, touch Apps Contacts.

2.Touch a contact in the Contacts list to view its information,

and then touch Delete. At the prompt, touch OK.

Managing Photo IDs

To remove or update a contact’s Photo ID:

1.From a Home screen, touch Apps Contacts.

2.Touch Menu Edit.

3.Touch the Photo ID, then touch Album, Take photo, or Remove.

Contacts Display Options

There are various ways to display your Contacts and general Contacts settings.

1.From a Home screen, touch Apps Contacts.

2.Touch Contacts, Favorites, or Groups above the Contacts List, to view contacts various ways:

Contacts: Show all your contacts. Touch the Search contacts field and enter a keyword to list contacts that contain that keyword.

Favorites: Show only your favorite, or starred, contacts. For more information, refer to “Favorites” on page 47.

Groups: Touch the Label tab displayed above the Contacts List to display the possible Groups, such as Not assigned, Coworkers, Family, Friends, and so on. Touch a group name to show only contacts in that group. For more information, refer to “Creating a New Group” on page 45.

3.From the Contacts or Favorites list, touch Menu to display all or some of these options:

Edit: Make changes to update an existing contact.

Delete contacts. Touch and check mark the box next to each contact you want to delete. Touch Delete and then touch OK.

Get friends: Touch Add account to add a new account or touch an existing account to get contacts from your friends on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

Contacts and Accounts


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Samsung GT-P7510 Updating Contacts, Touch Menu Edit, Deleting Contacts, Managing Photo IDs, Contacts Display Options