Samsung GT-P7510 user manual Amazon Kindle, Alarm Settings, Alarm Volume

Models: GT-P7510

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Alarm Settings

To configure general alarm settings:

1.From a Home screen, touch Apps Alarm.

2.Touch Settings.

The following options display:

Alarm in Silent mode: Enable alarms to play even if the tablet is in Silent mode.

Alarm volume: Touch and drag the slider to set Alarm volume.

Snooze duration: Set the snooze delay time to 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 minutes.

Snooze repeat: Indicate how many times to repeat the snooze

alarm: 1, 2, 3, 5, or 10 times.

Side button settings: Set what action the side buttons should take

during an alarm: None, Snooze, or Dismiss.

Set default ringtone: Choose a ringtone to play as a default, if the Ringtone is not defined for an alarm. Touch the button next to the ringtone you want to set and touch OK.

Alarm Volume

Alarm volume can also be set by using the Settings app.

1.From a Home screen, touch Apps Settings

Sound Volume.

2.Touch and drag the slider to set Alarm volume.

Another method of setting the alarm volume is to:

1.Press the Volume key .

2.Touch on the pop-up.

3.Touch and drag the slider next to the Alarm.

Amazon Kindle

Use the Amazon KindleTM application to download books for reading, right on your device.

Note: You must be registered with Amazon to use the Kindle application.

From a Home screen, touch Apps

Amazon Kindle.

Applications and Widgets


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Samsung GT-P7510 user manual Amazon Kindle, Alarm Settings, Alarm Volume