Samsung HP-P5031 manual Plug & Play Feature, Message Check antenna input is displayed

Models: HP-P5031

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Plug & Play Feature

When the television is initially powered ON, several basic customer settings proceed automatically and subsequently. The following settings are available.

If the television is in Standby mode, press the

1 POWER button on the remote control.

The message Start Plug & Play is displayed and then the Language menu is automatically displayed.

Select the appropriate language by pressing the

2 ▲ or ▼ button.

The message Check antenna input is displayed.

3 Press the ENTER button to confirm your choice.

4 Press the ENTER button.

Plug & Play

Start Plug & Play


Enter Exit





Move Enter Skip

Plug & Play

Check antenna input.

Enter Skip


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Image 28
Samsung HP-P5031 manual Plug & Play Feature, Message Check antenna input is displayed