Basic Functions

Playing a Disc


1.Press the OPEN/CLOSE () button to open the disc tray.2.Place a disc gently into the tray with the disc’s label facing up.

Disc Structure

The content of discs are usually divided as shown below.Blu-ray Disc, DVD-VIDEO


title 1





title 2







chapter 1

chapter 2

chapter 1

chapter 2

chapter 3

Audio CD (CD-DA) track 1 track 2 track 3 track 4 track 5
3.Press the OPEN/CLOSE () button to close the disc tray.4.Press the PLAY (►) button.Playback related buttonsPLAY (►) Starts playback.Stops playback.If you press the button once : The stop position isSTOP (  ) memorized.If you press the button twice : The stop position is not memorized.PAUSE (  ) Pauses playback.


For some discs, pressing the STOP (  ) button once may not memorize the stop position.

Video files with high bit rates of 20Mbps or more strain the product’s capabilities and may stop playing during play back.

MP3, WMA, DivX, MKV and MP4
folder (group) 1

folder (group) 2

file 1 file 2 file 1 file 2 file 3
Using the Disc menu/Title menu/
Popup menu

Using the Disc Menu


1. During playback, press the DISC



MENU button on the remote




2.Press the ◄ ► buttons to make a selection, and then press the ENTER button.


Depending on the disc, the menu items may differ and this menu may not be available.

40 English

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2011-12-23 ￿￿ 2:07:13