1)Current Status: Displays the current EWF status of the selected client.

2)EWF command: Changes the EWF status of the selected client.

3)Screen Rotation: Selects the screen direction of the selected client.

4)Screen Resolution: Displays the resolution of the selected client.

5)System message: Selects whether to display a system message for the selected client.

6)The Current Status and Screen Resolution items cannot be changed.

MagicInfo Pro: Displays information for the Startup, Automatic update, Use password lock, and Content server. You can change the settings by double-clicking the monitor name or using the Edit item from the context menu.

1)Startup: Select the program to be performed when the client starts.

2)Automatic update: Select how to perform automatic updates.

3)Use password lock: Select whether to use the password lock.

4)Content Server: Select whether to use the content server.

5)Preferred content server: Enter the IP address of the preferred content server to use a content server.

6)Alternate content server: Enter the IP address of the alternate content server which will be used when the preferred content server does not operate.