Samsung LH65MDCPLGC/EN 185, Device Group odaberite, Location upišite trenutnu lokaciju uređaja


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7 Upišite informacije potrebne za odobrenje uređaja.

•• Device Name: upišite naziv uređaja.


Device Group: odaberite

da biste naveli grupu.


Location: upišite trenutnu lokaciju uređaja.

――Pritisnite gumb INFO na daljinskom upravljaču kada je mrežni raspored pokrenut da biste pogledali detalje o rasporedu. Pogledajte ID uređaja u detaljima i provjerite je li odabran ispravan uređaj.

8 Odaberite izbornik All da biste provjerili je li uređaj registriran.

9 Kada poslužitelj odobri uređaj, raspored registriran u odabranoj grupi preuzet će se na uređaj. Raspored će se pokrenuti nakon preuzimanja.

――Dodatne detalje o konfiguraciji rasporeda potražite u <korisničkom priručniku za poslužitelj MagicInfo>.

――Ako se uređaj izbriše s popisa uređaja koje poslužitelj odobrava, uređaj će se ponovno pokrenuti radi ponovnog postavljanja postavki.

Postavljanje trenutnog vremena

Raspored se možda neće pokrenuti ako se vrijeme postavljeno na uređaju razlikuje od trenutnog vremena poslužitelja.

1 Idite na kartice Device Time.


Odaberite svoj uređaj.


Odaberite Clock Set i sinkronizirajte vrijeme s poslužiteljem.

•• Pri prvom povezivanju s poslužiteljem vrijeme na proizvodu postavlja se prema GMT vremenu regije u kojoj je poslužitelj instaliran.

•• Vrijeme na proizvodu možete promijeniti s poslužitelja kao što je prikazano u 3. koraku.

•• Ako isključite proizvod i ponovno ga uključite, postavka vremena na proizvodu vratit će se na posljednje vrijeme postavljeno s poslužitelja.

――Dodatne detalje o upravljanju vremenom (zakazivanje, upravljanje praznicima itd.) potražite u <korisničkom priručniku za poslužitelj MagicInfo Lite>.


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Samsung LH65MDCPLGC/EN manual 185, Device Group odaberite, Location upišite trenutnu lokaciju uređaja

LH65MDCPLGC/EN specifications

The Samsung LH65MDCPLGC/EN is a high-performance display solution designed specifically for commercial environments. This 65-inch LED display is part of Samsung's innovative lineup, offering a range of advanced features that cater to the needs of businesses and organizations looking to enhance their visual communication.

One of the standout characteristics of the LH65MDCPLGC/EN is its impressive picture quality. Utilizing advanced LED technology, this display delivers stunning visuals with vibrant colors, deep blacks, and exceptional brightness levels. With a resolution of 1920 x 1080 Full HD, it ensures sharp and clear images, making it ideal for presentations, digital signage, and various multimedia applications.

In terms of durability, the LH65MDCPLGC/EN is designed to operate continuously in demanding environments. It is built with a robust casing that protects against accidental bumps and scratches, making it suitable for high-traffic areas. This display also features an operational lifespan that ensures longevity, reducing the need for frequent replacements.

Another key feature of the Samsung LH65MDCPLGC/EN is its versatility in installation. The display supports multiple mounting options, including wall mounting and stand-alone configurations, allowing businesses to customize their space effectively. Additionally, it is compatible with a range of video wall solutions, enabling the creation of large and impactful visual displays for various applications.

Connectivity is a crucial consideration for modern displays, and the LH65MDCPLGC/EN excels in this area. It offers multiple input options, including HDMI, DisplayPort, and USB, making it easy to connect various devices such as laptops, media players, and gaming consoles. This flexibility ensures seamless integration into existing AV setups.

Samsung also incorporates Smart Signage technology in this model, allowing users to manage content easily through its user-friendly interface. Businesses can display promotional content, informational messages, or real-time data effortlessly, ensuring that their audience is always engaged.

Overall, the Samsung LH65MDCPLGC/EN is an exceptional choice for any commercial setting seeking a reliable, high-quality display solution. With its impressive picture quality, durable design, versatile installation options, and advanced connectivity features, it sets a new standard in professional display technology. Whether used for corporate meetings, retail environments, or educational purposes, this display is sure to enhance the visual experience and effectively communicate messages.