Samsung LH65MDCPLGC/EN manual Skladištenje, Električna energija i sigurnost


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Zbog odlika proizvoda sa završnom obradom visokog sjaja, korištenje UV ovlaživača u blizini uređaja može uzrokovati bijele mrlje na proizvodu.

――Ako je potrebno očistiti unutrašnjost proizvoda, obratite se Centru za korisničku podršku (bit će naplaćena naknada).

Električna energija i sigurnost

――Sljedeće su slike samo za referencu. Situacije iz stvarnog života mogu se razlikovati od prikazanog na tim slikama.


Nemojte koristiti oštećeni kabel ili utikač za napajanje, kao ni olabavljenu utičnicu.

•• To može dovesti do električnog udara ili požara.

U jednu utičnicu nemojte priključivati više proizvoda.

•• Pregrijane utičnice mogu uzrokovati požar.

Utikač nemojte dirati mokrim rukama. U suprotnom bi moglo doći do električnog udara.

Priključak gurnite do kraja da biste ga čvrsto utaknuli.

•• Nezaštićeni spoj može prouzročiti požar.


Utikač priključite u uzemljenu utičnicu za napajanje (samo izolirani uređaji vrste 1).

•• To može dovesti do električnog udara ili ozljeda.


Nemojte nasilu savijati ili povlačiti kabel za napajanje. Pazite da na kabel za napajanje ne stavljate teške predmete.

•• Oštećenje kabela može uzrokovati požar ili električni udar.

Kabel za napajanje ni monitor nemojte stavljati u blizinu izvora topline.

•• To može dovesti do električnog udara ili požara.

Suhom krpom očistite prljavštinu oko kontakata utikača ili utičnice.

•• Moglo bi doći do požara.



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Samsung LH65MDCPLGC/EN manual Skladištenje, Električna energija i sigurnost

LH65MDCPLGC/EN specifications

The Samsung LH65MDCPLGC/EN is a high-performance display solution designed specifically for commercial environments. This 65-inch LED display is part of Samsung's innovative lineup, offering a range of advanced features that cater to the needs of businesses and organizations looking to enhance their visual communication.

One of the standout characteristics of the LH65MDCPLGC/EN is its impressive picture quality. Utilizing advanced LED technology, this display delivers stunning visuals with vibrant colors, deep blacks, and exceptional brightness levels. With a resolution of 1920 x 1080 Full HD, it ensures sharp and clear images, making it ideal for presentations, digital signage, and various multimedia applications.

In terms of durability, the LH65MDCPLGC/EN is designed to operate continuously in demanding environments. It is built with a robust casing that protects against accidental bumps and scratches, making it suitable for high-traffic areas. This display also features an operational lifespan that ensures longevity, reducing the need for frequent replacements.

Another key feature of the Samsung LH65MDCPLGC/EN is its versatility in installation. The display supports multiple mounting options, including wall mounting and stand-alone configurations, allowing businesses to customize their space effectively. Additionally, it is compatible with a range of video wall solutions, enabling the creation of large and impactful visual displays for various applications.

Connectivity is a crucial consideration for modern displays, and the LH65MDCPLGC/EN excels in this area. It offers multiple input options, including HDMI, DisplayPort, and USB, making it easy to connect various devices such as laptops, media players, and gaming consoles. This flexibility ensures seamless integration into existing AV setups.

Samsung also incorporates Smart Signage technology in this model, allowing users to manage content easily through its user-friendly interface. Businesses can display promotional content, informational messages, or real-time data effortlessly, ensuring that their audience is always engaged.

Overall, the Samsung LH65MDCPLGC/EN is an exceptional choice for any commercial setting seeking a reliable, high-quality display solution. With its impressive picture quality, durable design, versatile installation options, and advanced connectivity features, it sets a new standard in professional display technology. Whether used for corporate meetings, retail environments, or educational purposes, this display is sure to enhance the visual experience and effectively communicate messages.