Drošības instrukcijas

Iespraudiet spraudkontaktu tā, lai tas nebūtu vaļīgs.

Slikts savienojums var izraisīt aizdegšanos.

Centieties pārāk neliekt kontaktdakšu un tās vadu, kā arī nenovietojiet uz tiem smagus priekšmetus, kas varētu radīt bojājumus.

Tas var izraisīt elektrošoku vai aizdegšanos.

Nepievienojiet kontaktligzdai pārāk daudz pagarinātāju vai kontakt- dakšu.

Tas var izraisīt aizdegšanos.

Neatvienojiet strāvas vadu, kamēr lietojat monitoru.

Atvienošanas laikā var rasties strāvas pārspriegums, kas var sabojāt monitoru.

Neizmantojiet strāvas vadu, ja savienotājs vai kontaktdakša ir nopu- tējusi.

Ja strāvas vada savienotājs vai kontaktdakša ir noputējusi, noslaukiet to ar sausu lupatiņu.

Ja izmantojat strāvas vadu ar noputējušu kontaktdakšu vai savieno- tāju, var rasties elektrošoks vai izcelties ugunsgrēks.

Lai atvienotu aparātu no strāvas, spraudnis jāizvelk no strāvas ligzdas un ar to jāvar brīvi rīkoties.

Tas var izraisīt elektrošoku vai aizdegšanos.


Ja plānojat uzstādīt monitoru telpā, kurā ir liela putekļu koncentrācija, augsta vai zema temperatūra, augsts mitruma līmenis vai tuvumā atrodas ķimikālijas, vai ja tas darbosies 24 stundas diennaktī (piemēram, lidostās, vilcienu stacijās, utt.), noteikti sazinieties ar pilnvarotu tehniskās apkopes centru.

Pretējā gadījumā monitoru var būtiski sabojāt.

Novietojiet monitoru vietā, kur ir pēc iespējas mazāk mitruma un pu- tekļu.

Pretējā gadījumā monitorā var rasties elektrošoks vai aizdegšanās.

Nenometiet monitoru tā pārvietošanas laikā.

Tas var sabojāt produktu vai radīt miesas bojājumus.

Uzstādiet monitora pamatni uz statīva vai plaukta tā, lai pamatnes gals nesniegtos pāri statīva vai plaukta malai.

Ierīces nomešana var sabojāt to vai radīt miesas bojājumus.


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Samsung continues to lead the way in the display market with its LS19MYAESB/EDC and LS17MYAEB series, which combine cutting-edge technology with user-friendly features. These monitors are designed for a variety of uses, catering to both professional environments and personal home setups.

One of the standout features of the LS19MYAESB/EDC and LS17MYAEB/EDC models is their exceptional display quality. They utilize Samsung's advanced panel technology, which delivers vivid colors and sharp contrasts, making them ideal for tasks that require precision, such as graphic design and video editing. The 19-inch and 17-inch screens offer wide viewing angles, ensuring that the displayed content is easily visible from multiple positions in the room.

Energy efficiency is another highlight of these models. They are equipped with Samsung's Eco Saving technology, which helps reduce screen brightness based on ambient light levels. This not only minimizes power consumption but also extends the lifespan of the monitor while contributing to a more sustainable environment.

Connectivity options are ample, with multiple ports including HDMI and VGA, allowing users to easily connect to various devices such as laptops, PCs, and gaming consoles. The models also boast a sleek, modern design, making them a stylish addition to any workspace or home entertainment setup.

The LS17MYAEBNA/EN and LS19MYAKBBA/EN models enhance user experience further with features such as flicker-free technology and eye saver mode. These technologies help reduce eye strain during extended usage, making them suitable for long periods of work or play.

For those who value versatility, the adjustable stand and VESA mount compatibility allow users to customize monitor height and angle for optimal comfort. This ensures an ergonomic setup that reduces the risk of neck and back pain during extended use.

In summary, the Samsung LS19MYAESB/EDC, LS17MYAEB/EDC, LS17MYAEBNA/EN, LS19MYAKBBA/EN, and LS17MYAKBNA/EN monitors are designed to meet the demands of modern users. With superior display performance, energy efficiency features, and ergonomic design, they stand out as top choices for anyone in need of reliable and high-quality monitors for work or entertainment.