Samsung LS20BRCASZ/EDC manual Cits, Nenoņemiet vāku vai aizmugures paneli


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šķīdinātājs, insektu iznīcināšanas līdzeklis, gaisa atsvaidzinātājs, smērvielas vai mazgāšanas līdzekļi.

Reizi gadā sazinieties ar Apkalpošanas Centru vai Klientu Centru, lai iztīrītu iekšpusi.

zUzturiet produkta iekšpusi tīru. Putekļi, kas laika gaitā uzkrājas iekšpusē, var izraisīt nepareizu darbību vai aizdegšanos.


Nenoņemiet vāku (vai aizmugures paneli).

zTas var izraisīt elektrošoku vai aizdegšanos.

zNododiet apkalpi kvalificēta apkalpojošā personāla ziņā.

Ja monitors nedarbojas normāli, it sevišķi, ja no tā nāk neparastas skaņas vai smaka, nekavējoties atvienojiet to no elektrotīkla un sazinieties ar autorizētu dīleri vai apkalpošanas centru.

zTas var izraisīt elektrošoku vai aizdegšanos.

Raugieties, lai produkts neatrastos vietās, kur uz to iedarbojas eļļa, dūmi vai mitrums; neuzstādiet to automašīnā.

zŠie faktori var radīt nepareizu iekārtas darbību, apdraudēt cilvēku ar elektriskās strāvas triecienu vai izraisīt ugunsgrēku.

zĪpaši nevēlami ir darbināt monitoru ūdens tuvumā vai zem klajas debess, kur uz to iedarbojas lietus vai sniegs.

Ja monitors krīt un tā korpuss ir bojāts, izslēdziet monitoru un atvienojiet barošanas kabeli. Pēc tam sazinieties ar Servisa Centru.

zIr iespējama nepareiza monitora darbība, elektriskās strāvas trieciena saņemšana vai ugunsgrēka izcelšanās.

Monitoram jābūt izslēgtam zibens un pērkona negaisa laikā, kā arī tad, ja ilgāku laiku nelietojat to.

zIr iespējama nepareiza monitora darbība, elektriskās strāvas trieciena saņemšana vai ugunsgrēka izcelšanās.

Nemēģiniet pārvietot monitoru, velkot to aiz elektrības vada vai signāla kabeļa.

zTas var izraisīt bojājumus, elektrošoku vai aizdegšanos kabeļa bojājuma dēļ.

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Samsung LS20BRCASZ/EDC manual Cits, Nenoņemiet vāku vai aizmugures paneli

LS20BRCASZ/EDC specifications

The Samsung LS20BRCASZ/EDC is a standout model in the realm of display technology, designed to cater to both casual users and professionals seeking superior image quality. This monitor emphasizes clarity, performance, and user-friendliness, making it a versatile choice for various applications.

At the heart of the LS20BRCASZ/EDC lies its impressive 20-inch display. The screen is engineered to deliver vibrant colors and sharp images, thanks to its HD resolution. With a resolution of 1600 x 900, it ensures that details are rendered with precision, making it suitable for tasks ranging from graphic design to casual gaming.

One of the main features of this monitor is its advanced LED backlighting technology. This technology not only enhances the overall brightness and contrast of the display but also contributes to energy efficiency. Users can enjoy a brighter screen while consuming less power, which is an essential factor for environmentally-conscious consumers.

Another noteworthy characteristic of the LS20BRCASZ/EDC is its ultra-slim design. The monitor boasts a sleek profile that fits seamlessly into any workspace, allowing users to maximize their desk real estate. This aesthetic appeal does not compromise performance, as the monitor maintains structural integrity while providing an unobtrusive look.

Samsung's dedicated eye-care technologies make this monitor ideal for long hours of usage. Features such as the flicker-free technology and eye-saving mode reduce eye strain and fatigue. This is particularly important in today’s fast-paced world where extended screen time is the norm.

Connectivity is another strong suit of the LS20BRCASZ/EDC. It is equipped with multiple input options, including VGA and HDMI ports, which ensure compatibility with a wide range of devices, from laptops to gaming consoles. This versatility allows users to easily switch between devices, enhancing the overall user experience.

In addition, the monitor comes with an adjustable stand that provides flexibility in terms of viewing angles. Users can tilt the screen to their preferred angle, which contributes to ergonomic comfort during long sessions of use.

In summary, the Samsung LS20BRCASZ/EDC is a compact yet feature-rich monitor that combines aesthetic appeal with leading-edge technologies. Its impressive display quality, energy-efficient design, eye-care features, and versatile connectivity make it a remarkable choice for anyone looking to upgrade their visual experience.