Search Song Function

You can easily do song search on screen without viewing the song list book.

Searching by HITS SONGS

During the stop mode,

1press the SEARCH SONG button and then press , button to select the HITS SONGS.At this time, press button to move to the song list on the bottom.

Press button to move

3to the song list on the bottom and then press , button to select

the song you want.

Press button if you want to move to the previous stage.

Press button to

2move to the detailed items and then press , button to selectthe hits song.You can select the song amonggMODERN 30-60S 70S/80S CHILDREN ARMY.

Press button if you want to move to the previous stage.

Press the ENTER

4 button to play back selected song.

To Exit Search Song Screen


• Press (STOP) button or SEARCH SONG button.