OPOZORILO: Ta aparat smejo uporabljati otroci od 8. leta naprej in fizično, senzorno ali mentalno slabotne osebe ali osebe s premalo izkušenj in znanja, če so pod nadzorom ali so prejele navodila o varni uporabi aparata ter poznajo morebitne nevarnosti. Otroci se z aparatom ne smejo igrati. Otroci ne smejo čistiti in vzdrževati aparata, razen če so stari 8 let ali več in so pod nadzorom.

Uporabljajte samo pripomočke, ki so primerni za uporabo v mikrovalovni pečici.

Ko segrevate živila v posodah iz plastike ali papirja, jih morate spremljati, ker obstaja nevarnost vžiga.

Mikrovalovna pečica je namenjena gretju živil in napitkov. Sušenje hrane ali oblačil in gretje grelnih blazin, copat, gob, vlažnih krp in podobno lahko povzroči poškodbo, vžig ali požar.

Če opazite dim, izklopite ali izključite aparat. Vrata pustite zaprta, da zadušite morebitni ogenj.

OPOZORILO: Pri segrevanju napitkov v mikrovalovni pečici lahko pride do zapoznelega nenadnega vrenja, zato je treba previdno ravnati s posodo.

OPOZORILO: Vsebino stekleničk za hranjenje in kozarcev z otroško hrano pred uporabo premešajte ali pretresite ter preverite njeno temperaturo, da se izognete opeklinam.

Neolupljenih jajc in celih trdo kuhanih jajc ne segrevajte v mikrovalovni pečici, saj jih lahko raznese, tudi ko pečica ne greje več.

Pečico redno čistite in iz nje odstranjujte morebitne ostanke hrane.

Če pečica ni čista, lahko pride do poslabšanja površin, to pa lahko skrajša življenjsko dobo aparata in privede do nevarnih situacij

Aparat ni namenjen nameščanju v cestnih vozilih, počitniških prikolicah in podobnih vozilih.

Aparata ne smejo uporabljati fizično, senzorno ali mentalno slabotne osebe (in otroci) s premalo izkušenj in znanja, razen če jih nadzira ali jim o uporabi aparata da navodila odgovorna oseba, ki je odgovorna za njihovo varnost.

Otroke je treba nadzorovati in zagotoviti, da se z aparatom ne igrajo.



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Samsung ME76V-BB/BOL, ME76V-BB/ELE, ME76V-BB/XEO manual ME76V-BBBOLDE68-03927D-02SL.indd 2013-12-30 100857

ME76V-BB/XEO, ME76V-BB/ELE, ME76V-BB/BOL specifications

The Samsung ME76V-BB/ELE and ME76V-BB/XEO are innovative microwave ovens designed to enhance cooking convenience and efficiency in the modern kitchen. These models stand out due to their powerful performance, user-friendly features, and sleek design, making them an attractive choice for both home cooks and culinary enthusiasts.

One of the defining features of the Samsung ME76V-BB series is its advanced cooking technology. The device employs a ceramic enamel interior that provides a smooth surface resistant to bacteria and easy to clean. This ensures that users can maintain a hygienic cooking environment with minimal effort. Additionally, the ceramic enamel is scratch-resistant and helps preserve the appliance's aesthetic appeal over time.

The microwave offers a generous capacity, allowing users to prepare large meals quickly and efficiently. With a 20-liter capacity, it is capable of accommodating various dishes, from single servings to family-sized portions. The powerful output of 800 watts ensures that food is cooked evenly and thoroughly, reducing the chances of cold spots or undercooked areas.

Samsung has included several smart cooking features to simplify meal preparation. The auto-cook menu consists of multiple pre-programmed settings for popular dishes, enabling users to achieve optimal results with just a push of a button. This ranges from defrosting to reheating leftovers, enhancing versatility in daily cooking tasks.

Another notable feature is the eco mode, which allows the microwave to consume less energy when not in use. This not only helps to lower electricity bills but also promotes sustainable living—an increasingly important factor for consumers today.

The design of the ME76V-BB models showcases a modern and minimalist aesthetic, featuring a sleek finish that complements various kitchen styles. The intuitive control panel makes it easy to navigate through settings and features, ensuring that users can operate the microwave effortlessly.

In summary, the Samsung ME76V-BB/ELE and ME76V-BB/XEO microwave ovens combine powerful performance, easy maintenance, and energy efficiency into a stylish package. With their user-friendly features and advanced cooking technologies, these models are ideal for anyone seeking a reliable and efficient kitchen appliance.