Samsung ME76V-BB/ELE, ME76V-BB/BOL, ME76V-BB/XEO manual Nasveti ZA Odpravljanje Težav


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Če ste naleteli na katero od spodaj navedenih težav, jih poskusite odpraviti s pomočjo danih navodil.

To je običajen pojav.

Kondenzacija v pečici.

Pri vratih in ohišju uhaja zrak.

Pri vratih in ohišju se odbija svetloba.

Ob vratih in odprtinah za zračenje uhaja para.

Ko pritisnete gumb , se pečica ne vklopi.

So vrata povsem zaprta?

Hrana sploh ni skuhana.

Ste pravilno nastavili uro in/ali pritisnili gumb ?

So vrata zaprta?

Ste preobremenili električno omrežje in povzročili, da je pregorela varovalka ali se je sprožil izklopnik?

Hrana je preveč ali premalo kuhana.

Je bil čas kuhanja nastavljen za ustrezno vrsto hrane?

• Je bila izbrana ustrezna raven moči?

V pečici prihaja do iskrenja in prasketanja.

Ste uporabili posodo s kovinskimi dodatki?

Ste v pečici pozabili vilice ali kak drug kovinski pripomoček?

Je aluminijasta folija preblizu notranjosti pečice?

Žarnica ne deluje.

Iz varnostnih razlogov žarnice ne menjajte sami. Obrnite se na najbližji

pooblaščeni center za pomoč strankam podjetja Samsung, da vam bo žarnico zamenjal usposobljeni tehnik.

Pečica povzroča motnje pri sprejemu radijskega ali televizijskega signala.

Med delovanjem pečice je opaziti rahle motnje v televizijskem ali radijskem signalu. To je običajen pojav. Težavo odpravite tako, da pečice ne namestite v bližini televizorjev, radijskih sprejemnikov in anten.

Če mikroprocesor v pečici zazna motnje, lahko pride do ponastavitve zaslona. Težavo odpravite tako, da izključite napajalni kabel in ga znova priključite. Ponastavite čas.


Če si z naštetimi smernicami ne morete pomagati pri odpravljanju težav, se obrnite na lokalni center za pomoč strankam podjetja SAMSUNG. Preberite naslednje informacije:

Model in serijske številke, ki so običajno natisnjene na hrbtni strani pečice

Podrobnosti garancije

Jasen opis težave

Obrnite se na najbližjega trgovca ali službo za pomoč kupcem izdelkov



ME76V-BB_BOL_DE68-03927D-02_SL.indd 19

2013-12-30 �� 10:09:08

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Samsung ME76V-BB/ELE, ME76V-BB/BOL, ME76V-BB/XEO manual Nasveti ZA Odpravljanje Težav

ME76V-BB/XEO, ME76V-BB/ELE, ME76V-BB/BOL specifications

The Samsung ME76V-BB/ELE and ME76V-BB/XEO are innovative microwave ovens designed to enhance cooking convenience and efficiency in the modern kitchen. These models stand out due to their powerful performance, user-friendly features, and sleek design, making them an attractive choice for both home cooks and culinary enthusiasts.

One of the defining features of the Samsung ME76V-BB series is its advanced cooking technology. The device employs a ceramic enamel interior that provides a smooth surface resistant to bacteria and easy to clean. This ensures that users can maintain a hygienic cooking environment with minimal effort. Additionally, the ceramic enamel is scratch-resistant and helps preserve the appliance's aesthetic appeal over time.

The microwave offers a generous capacity, allowing users to prepare large meals quickly and efficiently. With a 20-liter capacity, it is capable of accommodating various dishes, from single servings to family-sized portions. The powerful output of 800 watts ensures that food is cooked evenly and thoroughly, reducing the chances of cold spots or undercooked areas.

Samsung has included several smart cooking features to simplify meal preparation. The auto-cook menu consists of multiple pre-programmed settings for popular dishes, enabling users to achieve optimal results with just a push of a button. This ranges from defrosting to reheating leftovers, enhancing versatility in daily cooking tasks.

Another notable feature is the eco mode, which allows the microwave to consume less energy when not in use. This not only helps to lower electricity bills but also promotes sustainable living—an increasingly important factor for consumers today.

The design of the ME76V-BB models showcases a modern and minimalist aesthetic, featuring a sleek finish that complements various kitchen styles. The intuitive control panel makes it easy to navigate through settings and features, ensuring that users can operate the microwave effortlessly.

In summary, the Samsung ME76V-BB/ELE and ME76V-BB/XEO microwave ovens combine powerful performance, easy maintenance, and energy efficiency into a stylish package. With their user-friendly features and advanced cooking technologies, these models are ideal for anyone seeking a reliable and efficient kitchen appliance.