2. Using a network-connected machine
Wireless network setup
Make sure your machine supports a wireless network.
Wireless network may not be available depending on the

Getting started

Understanding your network type

Typically, you can only have one connection between your
computer and the machine at a time.

Wireless network name and network key

Wire les s net wor ks r equi re h igh er se cur ity , so when an a cce ss po int is
first set up, a network name (SSID), the type of security used, and a
Network Key are created for the network. Locate this information
before proceeding with the machine installation.

Choosing the installation type

You can install a wireless network from the machine’s control panel
or the computer.

From the control panel

For most users, we recommend using the (WPS) button to
configure the wireless network settings.
• (WPS): If your machine and an access point (or wireless router)
support Wi-Fi Protected Setup™ (WPS), you can easily configure
the wireless network settings by pressing the (WPS) button on
the control panel (see "Using the WPS button" on page 28).
Control panel: You can configure wireless parameters with the
control panel (see "Using the menu button" on page 32 ).
Infrastructure mode
This is a n en vir onm ent g ene ral ly u sed for hom es a nd
SOHOs (Small Office/ Home Office). This mode uses
an access point to communicate with the wireless
Ad hoc mode
This mode does not use an access point. The wireless
computer and wireless machine communicates