<Enable VMware View>
When the <Enable VMware View> option is enabled, the Portals can be configured for use with a VMware View Connection Server.
To enable the VMware View feature, the <Enable Connection Management> checkbox on the <Connection Management> tab must be unchecked.
<Identify Connection Server by>
The <Identify Connection Server by> selector allows the administrator to choose whether the connection manager is identified by IP address or by Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). If VMware View is disabled, this field is not required and is not editable.
The <Port> parameter allows the administrator to specify the port used to communicate to the VMware View Connection Server.
The <SSL> parameter allows the administrator to specify the <SSL> to communicate with the VMware View Connection Server.
<Auto connect>
The <Auto connect> parameter allows the administrator to specify that the Portal automatically always connects with the VMware View Connection Server at startup.
<Diagnostics> Window
The <Diagnostics> allows the administrator to access window tabs with diagnostics concerning the Portal. The tabs in the <Diagnostics> window are:
•<Event Log>
•<Session Statistics>
•<PCoIP Processor>
•<Ping >
Each tab has a Close button to close the window.
<Event Log> Tab
The <Event Log> tab allows the administrator to view and clear event log messages from the Portal.
Installing the Software |