







Tayyorlash paytida

Avtomatik tayyorlash funksiyasi

Taomni ag‘dargach, ishni qayta


signal tovushi

ishlatilayotgan bo‘lsa, signal

boshlash uchun yana Start



berilgani taomni ag‘darish payti

tugmasini bosing.



kelganini bildiradi.







Pech tekis

Pech notekis joyga o‘rnatilgan.

Pech tekis, qimirlamaydigan




yuzaga o‘rnatilganiga ishonch




hosil qiling.






Pishirish paytida

Pech/eritish funksiyasida metall

Metall idish ishlatmang.


uchqun chiqmoqda.

idish ishlatilgan.







Tok ulangan zahoti

Eshigi yaxshi yopilmagan.

Eshikni yopib, tekshirib ko‘ring.


pech ishlab ketadi.








Pechga tekkanda tok

Vilka yoki rozetka tegishlicha

Vilka va rozetka tegishlicha



yerga ulanmagan.

yerga ulanganiga ishonch hosil










Suv tomchilamoqda.

Taomga qarab, ba’zi hollarda

Pechni sovitib, keyin quruq



suv yoki bug‘ chiqishi mumkin.

idish sochig‘i bilan arting.



Bu pech nosozligi emas.







Eshigidan bug‘

Taomga qarab, ba’zi hollarda

Pechni sovitib, keyin quruq



suv yoki bug‘ chiqishi mumkin.

idish sochig‘i bilan arting.



Bu pech nosozligi emas.







Pechda suv qolib

Taomga qarab, ba’zi hollarda

Pechni sovitib, keyin quruq



suv yoki bug‘ chiqishi mumkin.

idish sochig‘i bilan arting.



Bu pech nosozligi emas.







Pech ichidagi

Funksiyasiga qarab, chiqarilgan

Pishirish paytida chiqarilgan


yorqinlik turlicha.

quvvat o‘zgargani sayin

quvvat o‘zgarishi nosozlik emas.



yorqinlik ham o‘zgaradi.

Bu pech nosozligi emas.






Pishirish tugallandi,

Pech havosini almashtirish

Bu pech nosozligi emas.


lekin sovitish

uchun pishirish tugaganidan



ventilyatori haliyam

so‘ng 5 daqiqacha ventilyator




ishlab turadi.







+30sec tugmasi

Pech ishlamay turganida

Bu mikroto‘lqinli pech ishlamay


bosilsa, pech ishga

shunaqa bo‘ladi.

turganida +30sec tugmasi




bosilsa ishlaydigan qilib














Nosozliklarni bartaraf etish

O'zbek  65

NQ50J5530BS_WT_DE68-04355G-00_UZ.indd 65

4/9/2015 4:34:48 PM

Page 281
Image 281
Samsung NQ50J5530BS/WT manual Nosozliklarni bartaraf etish

NQ50J5530BS/WT specifications

The Samsung NQ50J5530BS/WT is an impressive addition to Samsung's line of built-in microwaves, offering a blend of convenience, technology, and design that speaks to modern kitchen needs. With a sleek stainless steel finish, this model not only serves functional purposes but also elevates the aesthetic of any kitchen space.

One of the standout features of the NQ50J5530BS/WT is its generous 50-liter capacity, making it ideal for families or those who frequently entertain guests. This spacious interior allows for the heating or cooking of larger dishes, eliminating the need for multiple rounds of cooking.

Equipped with Samsung's innovative Triple Distribution System, the microwave ensures even heating and cooking across the entire cavity. This technology consists of three quartz antennas that distribute microwaves in multiple directions, thus minimizing hot and cold spots and ensuring thorough cooking. Users can expect consistent results regardless of what they are cooking or reheating.

The NQ50J5530BS/WT also features a ceramic enamel interior that is not only easy to clean but also helps to keep odors and bacteria at bay. This scratch-resistant coating adds durability, making it highly resistant to wear and tear over time.

For those who prioritize healthy cooking options, this microwave includes a grilling element that allows users to prepare crispy, delicious meals without the extra fat and oil typically involved in frying. Additionally, the microwave’s various auto-cook options make meal preparation a breeze, providing pre-set cooking modes for a range of popular dishes.

Another noteworthy attribute is the eco mode, which helps in reducing energy consumption when the microwave is not in use. This feature underscores Samsung's commitment to sustainability while also appealing to environmentally conscious consumers.

Control and usability are also highlighted through its intuitive interface that includes a series of tactile buttons, making navigation simple and user-friendly. Moreover, the microwave comes with a child lock feature, ensuring safety in homes with young ones.

In summary, the Samsung NQ50J5530BS/WT is a highly versatile microwave that appeals to a range of culinary needs. With its large capacity, advanced heating technologies, easy-clean interior, and energy-efficient operations, it stands out as a robust choice for anyone looking to enhance their cooking experience.