5.3 Main Menu

When you enter the Setup program, the following screen appears.

System Time


Select Menu

System Date

Wed., Nov 30 2005

Item Specific Help



Primary IDE Master


Change the internal

Primary IDE Slave

[ASUS CD-S360]


First SATA Master



HDD SMART Monitoring



Installed Memory

512 MB


Usable Memory

447 MB


5.3.1 System Time [xx:xx:xx]

Sets the system to the time that you specify (usually the current time). The format is hour, minute, second. Valid values for hour, minute and second are Hour: (00 to 23), Minute: (00 to 59), Second: (00 to 59). Use the <Tab> key to move between the hour, minute, and second fields.

5.3.2 System Date [xx/xx/xxxx]

Sets the system to the date that you specify (usually the current date). The format is month, day, year. Valid values for month, day, and year are Month: (1 to 12), Day: (1 to 31), Year: (up to 2084). Use the <Tab> key to move between the month, day, and year fields.


Chapter 5: BIOS setup