Full Screen Logo [Enabled]

This allows you to enable or disable the full screen logo display feature. Configuration options: [Enabled] [Disabled]

Make sure that the Full Screen Logo item is set to [Enabled] if you wish to use the ASUS MyLogo2™ feature.

Halt On [All, But Keyboard]

Sets the system to halt on errors according to the system functions specified in each option. Configuration options: [All Errors] [No Errors] [All, But Keyboard]

5.6.6 Security

The Security menu items allow you to change the system security settings. Select an item then press Enter to display the configuration options.



Select Menu

Supervisor Password


Item Specific Help

User Password



Password Check


Supervisor password



controls full



access, <Enter> to



change password.

ASUS Pundit P1-PH1 system
