Subtitle Options
Screen Menu > Broadcasting > Caption > Caption Mode Try Now
Select a subtitle mode. The list of modes may vary depending on the broadcast.
●● Default / CC1 ~ CC4 / Text1 ~ Text4: (analog channels only) The analog caption function operates in either analog TV channel mode or when a signal is supplied from an external device to the TV. (Depending on the broadcasting signal, the analog caption function may or may not work with digital channels.)
●● Default / Service1 ~ Service6 / CC1 ~ CC4 / Text1 ~ Text4: (Digital channels only) The digital caption function works with digital channels. Service1 – Service6 may not be available in digital caption mode depending on the broadcast.
Subtitle Display Options
Screen Menu > Broadcasting > Caption > Digital Caption Options Try Now
Specify the foreground and background settings. This option is available for digital channels. ●● Size: Choose the subtitle size from the list.
●● Font Style: Choose the foreground style from the list.
●● Font Color: Choose a foreground color from the list.
●● Background Color: Choose a background color from the list.
●● Font Opacity: Choose a foreground opacity level from the list.
●● Background Opacity: Choose a background opacity level from the list.
●● Return to Default: Restores all subtitle display options to the Default settings. Default applies settings chosen by the TV station.
"" The foreground and background color and opacity settings cannot be the same.