Ishlatish amallari

Ishlatish amallari

04  Ta’til (3 son)


Agar siz ta‘tilga yoki ish bo‘yicha safarga ketsangiz, yoki muzlatgichdan uzoq


muddat davomida foydalanmoqchi bo‘lmasangiz, Ta‘til rejimidan foydalaning.


• Ta‘til rejimini faollashtirish uchun Vacation (Ta'til) tugmasini 3 soniya


davomida bosib turing. Ta'til yoqilgan chirog'i yonadi, sovitich haroratlari


displeyi esa o'chadi. Muzlatgich harorati 17 °C darajadan past tutiladi.

Vacation (Ta’til)

• Ta‘til rejimini o‘chirish uchun yana Vacation (Ta’til) tugmasini 3 soniya

davomida bosib turing. Muzlatgich harorati avvalgi o'rnatilgan haroratga




Ta’til rejimidan foydalanishdan oldin muzlatgich bo‘lmasidan oziq- ovqatlarni olib tashlashni unutmang.

Agar haroratni o‘zgartirsangiz, Ta’til rejimi o‘chadi.

05  Tugma qulfi (3 son)


Noxush hodisa yoki kutilmaganda tugmalar bosilib ketishining oldini olish


uchun Control Lock (Tugma qulfi) tugmasini 3 soniya bosib turib, Tugma qulfi

Control Lock

funksiyasini faollashtiring. ( ) chirog‘i yonib, barcha boshqaruv tugmalari

(Tugma qulfi)

o‘chirib qo‘yiladi.


O‘chirib qo‘yish uchun tugmani yana 3 soniya bosib turing. Boshqaruv


tugmalari normal holatga qaytadi.



06  Tarmoq aloqasi

Samsung Smart Home ilovasi orqali sovitkichni boshqarish uchun ixtiyoriy ravishda Smart Home kalitidan foydalanish mumkin (alohida sotiladi). Samsung Smart Home to‘g‘risida ko‘proq ma’lumot uchun Samsung Smart Home bo‘limini ko‘ring.


Tavsiya qilingan shifrlash tizimlariga WPA/TKIP va WPA2/AES kiradi. Bundan yangiroq yoki standartlashtirilmagan Wi-Fi autentifikatsiya protokollari bilan ishlamaydi.

Simsiz tarmoqlarga atrofdagi simsiz aloqa muhiti ta'siri ko'rsatishi mumkin.

Agar internet provayderingiz qurilmani aniqlash uchun kompyuter yoki modemingizning MAC manzilini ro‘yxatdan o‘tkazgan bo‘lsa, Samsung Smart sovitkichi internetga ulana olmasligi mumkin. Bu holat ro‘y bersa, texnik yordam uchun internet provayderiga murojaat qiling.

Tarmoq tizimining fayrvol sozlamalari Samsung Smart sovitkichini internetga ulanishiga yo‘l qo‘ymasligi mumkin. Texnik yordam uchun internet provayderiga murojaat qiling. Bu holat davom etsa, mahalliy Samsung xizmat ko‘rsatish markazi yoki sotuvchiga murojaat qiling.

Simsiz kirish nuqtasi (KN) sozlamalarini sozlash uchun KN foydalanuvchi qo‘llanmasiga qarang.

Samsung Smart Home kaliti xususiyatiga ega Samsung Smart sovitkichlari ham IEEE 802.11 b/g/n xususiyatli Wi-Fi 2,4 Ggs, ham bevosita Soft-AP protokollarini qo'llab-quvvatlaydi (IEEE 802.11 n tavsiya etiladi).

Tasdiqdan o‘tmagan Wi-Fi simsiz routerlar tegishli Samsung sovitkichlariga ulanmasligi mumkin.

36  O'zbek

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2017-05-12 ￿￿ 3:48:32

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Samsung RR39M7140SA/WT manual 04 Ta’til 3 son, Qaytadi

RR39M7140SA/WT specifications

The Samsung RR39M7140SA/WT represents a modern, efficient refrigerator that merges stylish design with advanced technology. This model showcases a sleek stainless-steel finish that not only adds aesthetic value to any kitchen but also includes a fingerprint-resistant coating to maintain its pristine look for longer periods.

One of the standout features of the RR39M7140SA/WT is its Twin Cooling Plus technology. This innovative system utilizes independent cooling systems for the refrigerator and freezer compartments. By managing the humidity levels separately, this feature ensures that food stays fresher for longer, while also preventing odor transfer between the two compartments. This is particularly beneficial for maintaining the quality of fruits, vegetables, and meats.

The refrigerator boasts a spacious interior with a total storage capacity of 393 liters, accommodating a wide variety of food items. It includes adjustable shelves, allowing users to customize their storage space according to their needs. The Big Door Bin, another practical feature, provides ample room for larger items such as milk cartons or juice bottles, making accessibility straightforward.

Energy efficiency is a core consideration in the design of the RR39M7140SA/WT. It is equipped with an energy-efficient compressor that not only lowers energy consumption but also operates quietly, contributing to a more peaceful home environment. It is rated according to European energy standards, confirming its low energy consumption, which in turn reduces electricity bills.

The refrigerator includes a No Frost feature, eliminating the need for manual defrosting. This technology circulates cold air evenly throughout the interior, preventing the formation of ice buildup in both the freezer and refrigerator sections. This ensures maximum storage capacity and convenience for users.

Additionally, the refrigerator features an LED lighting system that illuminates the interior, allowing for easy visibility and access to all items stored inside. The storage options are completed with door pockets, fruit and vegetable drawers, and a clear disposable box for easy organization.

In summary, the Samsung RR39M7140SA/WT is a well-rounded refrigerator that combines practicality with innovative features. With its Twin Cooling Plus technology, spacious storage capacity, energy efficiency, and modern design, it caters to the needs of contemporary households while ensuring food preservation and convenience.