Odstráňte všetky zvyšky z vnútra čističa. (Model so zónou voliteľného chladenia)

1.ZAPNITE hlavný prívod vody.

2.Nechajte vodu tiecť cez zásobník, až kým nevyteká čistá voda (približne 3 litre).

Počiatočné tmavé zafarbenie vody a ľadu je normálne.


Pre vonkajší model

Diely na inštaláciu vedenia vody

Konektor potrubia

Skrutkovač a skrutky na vedenie vody

Vodné potrubie

Poistná svorka čističky


Pripojenie k prívodu vody

Pripojte hadicu pomocou spojky k ventilu vodovodu.

1.Uzavrite hlavný prívod vody.

2.Pripojte spojku „A” k ventilu vodovodu.


Prívod vody musí byť napájaný studenou vodou. Ak ho pripojíte k horúcej vode, môžete poškodiť čistič.


Na inštaláciu prívodu vody sa nevzťahuje záruka výrobcu na chladničku a na zariadenie na výrobu ľadu. Postupujte podľa týchto pokynov,aby ste znížili riziko vážneho poškodenia zariadenia pôsobením vody.

Poznámka :

Ak spojka nepasuje k vášmu ventilu na vodovode,skontaktujte sa s autorizovaným poskytovateľom služieb a zakúpte spojku so správnym tesnením.

Zvoľte si miesto,kam chcete čistič nainštalovať. (Model s čističom)

-Po odmeraní vzdialenosti od miesta čističa k vodovodnému ventilu so studenou vodou,prerežte vodovodnú hadicu na príslušnom mieste.

-Ak chcete zmeniť vstupnú a výstupnú stranu čis-tiča počas jeho inštalácie,postupujte podľa refe- renčných pokynov.






Strana čističky s

90 stupňov

výpustom vody




Poistnú svorku vložte po

osadení trubice



Poistná svorka



Slovenčina - 22

DA68-02710K-04.indb Sec4:22

2014. 1. 16. ￿￿ 11:05

Page 58
Image 58
Samsung RS7768FHCBC/EF, RS7578THCSR/EF Inštalácia Prívodu Vody PRE Automat NA Vodu, Pripojenie k prívodu vody, Poznámka

RS7778FHCSP/EF, RS7578THCSP/WS, RS7667FHCSL/EF, RS7528THCSP/EF, RS7528THCWW/WS specifications

The Samsung RS7778FHCWW/EF, RS627LHQESR/ML, and RS757LHQESR/ML refrigerators represent an innovative take on modern refrigeration technology, offering impressive functionality and aesthetic appeal for any kitchen. Each of these models boasts distinctive features, ensuring that they cater to various consumer needs while emphasizing energy efficiency and design.

The RS7778FHCWW/EF is recognized for its spacious layout, allowing ample storage space with a total capacity of approximately 634 liters. One of its standout features is the Triple Cooling System, which independently manages the cooling in the refrigerator and freezer compartments. This technology ensures optimal humidity levels, preserving food freshness for longer durations while preventing the mixing of odors between compartments.

The RS627LHQESR/ML model emphasizes flexibility and user convenience. It incorporates the FlexZone feature, an adaptable compartment that can be converted between refrigerator and freezer settings. This versatile design is ideal for families who require additional refrigeration space during gatherings or special occasions. The model also features Samsung’s Power Cool and Power Freeze functions, providing rapid cooling and freezing capabilities to quickly restore temperatures after door openings.

Meanwhile, the RS757LHQESR/ML is designed with family-friendly storage solutions in mind. Its 508-liter capacity includes multiple convenient features, such as the Easy Slide Shelf, which allows users to effortlessly access items stored at the back of the refrigerator. Additionally, the model is equipped with an ice and water dispenser, delivering chilled water and ice at the touch of a button, enhancing convenience for daily hydration.

All three models prioritize energy efficiency, bearing high energy star ratings, hence minimizing environmental impact while keeping energy bills low. They are also designed with sleek stainless-steel finishes, elevating kitchen aesthetics and providing a modern look that fits seamlessly into various interior styles.

In summary, the Samsung RS7778FHCWW/EF, RS627LHQESR/ML, and RS757LHQESR/ML refrigerators exemplify advanced refrigeration technology with features aimed at enhancing user experience. From customizable storage options to innovative cooling systems, these models address the demands of contemporary households while maintaining efficiency and elegance. Whether you need vast storage, versatile cooling options, or family-friendly features, Samsung’s offerings deliver practicality without sacrificing style.