Contrast / Brightness / Sharpness / Color / Tint (G/R)

mMENU Picture E

Your product has several options for adjusting picture quality.

――When you make changes to Contrast, Brightness, Sharpness, Color or Tint (G/R), the OSD will be adjusted accordingly.

――You can adjust and store settings for each external device you have connected to an input on the product.

――Lowering picture brightness reduces power consumption.

Color Temperature

mMENU Picture Color Temperature E

Adjust the color temperature (Red / Green / Blue). (Range: 2800K–10000K) ――Enabled when Color Tone is set to Off.

――If Picture Mode is set to Calibration, Color Temperature is disabled.

White Balance

mMENU Picture White Balance E

2 Point

Adjust the color temperature for a more natural picture.

•• R-Offset / G-Offset / B-Offset: Adjust each color’s (red, green, blue) darkness.

•• R-Gain / G-Gain / B-Gain: Adjust each color’s (red, green, blue) brightness.

•• Reset: Suitable for environments where videowall display are used.

10 Point

Controls the white balance in 10 point interval by adjusting the red, green, and blue brightness.

•• Off / On

Interval: Select interval to adjust.

Red: Adjust the red level.

Green: Adjust the green level.

Blue: Adjust the blue level.

Reset: Suitable for environments where videowall display are used. ――Some external devices may not support this function.

――Enabled when Picture Mode is set to Office & School (Video/Image).