Pocket outlook

Creating an appointment

1. On the appointment list, tap New.

Select Yes to last the appointment all day.

Tap the down arrow to choose from predefined text.

Tap to select the repeat interval to set how often the event repeats.


Enter or change other desired information. You


will need to hide the input panel to see all


available fields.


To assign the appointment to a category, hide


the input panel and tap the Categories field


and then select a category from the list. In the


calendar list, you can display appointments by




You can also create a new category or delete it


in the Add/Delete tab.


To prevent other people from viewing the


appointment, tap the Sensitivity field and


select Private. The private appointment is


marked with a key icon when you view it.

2.Tap first to select the field and enter a subject and a location.

3.If needed, tap the date and time to change them.


Note: This feature is available only when you are

using a Microsoft Exchange server e-mail


7. To add notes, tap the Notes tab. You can enter

text, draw, or create a recording. Note is a

good place for maps and directions.