Your phone

Why transfer numbers?

In the event you lose your SIM card while using it in another device, your SIM numbers will be backed up on to your phone.

If you want to transfer a number to Speed Dial, it must be in Contacts, not on the SIM card.

If you are using your SIM card in another device, you may need the numbers stored in Microsoft Contacts.

Transferring numbers to Microsoft Contacts allows you to create more detailed records.

Microsoft Contacts: Adding and transferring Contacts

1.To create a contact, see page 136.

2.Tap and hold the contact to open the pop-up menu.

3.To transfer the contact to SIM, select Save To SIM and then tap Save To SIM in the next screen. when a confirmation message appears, tap Yes and then .

To transfer the contact to Speed Dial, select Add to Speed Dial... from the pop-up menu. On the Speed Dial screen, add the contact details, select a location, and tap .

Note: By default the Location option will assign you the next available position in the Speed Dial list. If you want to put a number in a position that is already occupied, a confirmation message appears to ask you if you want to overwrite the setting.