Replying & Forwarding
Replying to Messages
APress w(
) and select Received
BHighlight message, select Options →
CCreate a message and press w(Send)
Forwarding Messages
APress w() and select Received
msgs or Sent msgs
BHighlight message, select Options →
CCreate a message and press w(Send)
S! Appli
A variety of S! Appli, from games to 3D images are available for use with 706SC.
•Download S! Appli via Web.
•Enjoy network games or real time information.
Downloading S! Appli
APress c(Menu) and select S! Appli
BSelect S! Application list and press c
CSelect a S! Appli and press c
DFollow onscreen instructions (Japanese only) to download S! Appli
Abridged English Manual