Apps and features

Searching for similar images

Search for images similar to the recognised object online. You can view various images with properties similar to the object, such as colour or shape.

For example, if you want to know the title of a photo or image, use the Bixby Vision features. The device will search for and show you related information or images with similar characteristics.




When you have a desired image or object, launch Bixby Vision.

Select and keep the object within the screen to recognise it.

Tap or select a search result on the screen.

The similar images will appear.

Searching for nearby places

Search for landmarks or information about nearby places by recognising your current location.

For example, if you want to search for cafes near a landmark, use the Bixby Vision features. The device will search for and show you nearby cafes.




When you have a desired landmark or place, launch Bixby Vision.

Select and keep the landmark or place within the screen to recognise it. You can view basic information about nearby places.

When you move your device, nearby places in the direction where the camera is facing will appear on the screen.

If you are using Bixby Vision with the camera, you can view your current location and weather information. To view your current location on the map, point the camera towards the ground. To view the current weather information, point the camera towards the sky.

Tap or select a search result on the screen.

The device will show information of nearby places.