Auto Network Setup
Run <IP Installer.exe> to display the camera search list.
At the initial startup, both [Auto Set] and [Manual Set] will be grayed out.
M | For cameras found with the IPv6 setting, these buttons will be grayed out as the cameras do not |
support this function. |
1.Select a camera in the search list.
Find the MAC (Ethernet) address labeled on the rear of the camera.
Both the [Auto Set] and [Manual Set] buttons will be activated.
2.Click [Auto Set].
The AUTO SET dialog appears.
The <IP Address>, <Subnet Mask>, and <Gateway> will be set automatically.
3.Enter the password.
This is the login password for the "root" user who accesses the camera.
The default password is "4321".
4.Click [OK].
Auto network setup will be completed.
5.The camera will automatically complete the network setting and restart.