Product Warranty and Limitations
Product Warranty and Limitations
The manufacturers of this product are not liable for anything related to sales of this product and do not consign third parites with any authorities that would make them held responsible instead of the manufacturer.
The product warranty does cover accidents, negligence, abuse, or improper use for the product in whole or in any parts. Additionally, the manufacturer does not provide warranty for any additional parts or pieces that were not supplied by the manufacturer.
The warranty is valid for one year from the purchase date. During the period, the warranty does not cover the malfunctions in the below areas.
yMalfunction due to user’s negligence
yDismantlement or replacement by the user
yConnection to alternate power source
yMalfunction due to natural disasters (fire, flood, tsunami, etc.)
yReplacement due to wear and tear
yInstability of network
Warning Symbols
Before attempting to connect or operate this product,
please read these instructions carefully and save this manual for future use.
Danger :
Misuse or wrongful operation of the product may result in death, injury or bring about other fatal results. It indicates absolute caution when operating.
Caution :
Misuse or wrongful operation of the product may result in slight injury or damage to the product. It indicates caution when operating.
Note :
Indication that the user needs to be aware of certain matters, or will find matters helpful in operating the product.
Before Setup
yPlease set up the proper voltage before connecting to power source.
yPlease be sure the power is turned off before setup.
yThere is risk of shock or fire; be sure to avoid setup in places with high humidity.
yTo prevent shocks, please connect the ground wire.
yUnauthorized assembly forbidden.
Assembly requires experience and technical skills, and unauthorized assembly has fire and shock risks. Always contact one of our agents for assembly. .
yDo not install install on an unsturdy surface. There are risks of falling.